بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)
الحمد لله رب العالمین ، والعاقبة للمتقین ، والصلاة والسلام علی سید الانبیاء والمرسلین ، قائد المجاهدین نبینا ومولانا محمد علیه افضل الصلوات والتسلیم وعلی آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدی بهدیه اجمعین وبعد.
The prominent figureheads of Jihad generally possess distinct leadership qualities. They are usually either naturally gifted with these capabilities or they master them through learning and studying other Jihadi leaders. Due to their deep sincerity and devotion, these Jihadi leaders are granted with exceptional divine generosity, support and benevolence as Almighty Allah says:
(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)
Translation: (And as for those who strive to meet Us – We will surely guide them in Our ways. And verily, ALLAH is with those who do good.) [Al-Ankaboot:69]
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is considered an impregnable front of Jihad and struggle against international infidelity and tyranny whose founding founders are by the grace of Almighty Allah bequeathed with extraordinary proficiency and skills as leaders and guides.
The founder of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan himself, the late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was a living anthology of such leadership qualities. Amidst the battlefield of Jihad and combating international infidelity, he successfully managed to transfer these lofty aptitudes of Muslim leadership qualities to several of his Mujahidin brothers who were his intimate colleagues, struggling together in the thorny path of establishing the sacred and sovereign system of Allah, the Almighty.
His Excellency, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was the spiritual and moral guide of new students of the Jihadi madrassa [Mujahidin] as well as being their military leader. The Umari Jihadi Madrassa trained and graduated many high caliber personalities during his lifetime and under his leadership, each one perfectly capable of guiding the Muslim masses in the most critical junctures of this era.
It is established religious foundations rather than particular personalities which play a pivotal role in ideological and Jihadi movements. Everything here is organized on the basis of Jihad and ideology. Teachings of the Holy Quran and noble deeds of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with all of them) are the role models for the followers of these movements.
The core responsibility of the leadership in such ideological movements is merely to educate its members and followers both morally and ideologically and to impart them with spiritual passion and commitment.
Upon founding the Taliban Islamic Movement and establishment of the Islamic Emirate, his Excellency late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) mentored for future leadership several Mujahidin who displayed foresight and leadership traits, capable of leading this Jihadi caravan to its goal and destination even in the most critical circumstances of Jihad and persistent struggle. Such fearless and courageous personalities who were undaunted by the most difficult of conditions nor influenced by dangerous temporal or spatial circumstances.
Among these foresighted vigilant personalities and pupils of the enduring Umari Madrassa is the newly selected leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur (may Allah safeguard him) who practically handled leadership affairs of the Islamic Emirate during the lifetime of late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) and was appointed as the new head (leader) of the Islamic Emirate by Ahl hal wal Aqd dignitaries of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars, Jihadi leaders and various other public figures after the announcement of his (RA) passing away.
Although the new leader of the Islamic Emirate is a well-recognized figure in all Jihadi spheres whoever to better acquaint his Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur to all the Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate and the general masses of the Muslim world having affection with the Islamic Emirate, it is deemed appropriate to write down a few lines about his life and personality.
His birth:
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur s/o Alhaj Mohammad Jan was born in 1347 Hijri (solar) – 1968 Gregorian in Band-i-Taimoor village of Maiwand district in Kandahar province.
As his family was well-known in the area for their affection for religion and learning and his father particularly held deep love for knowledge therefore his top priority for the healthy upbringing of his son was religious education.
Early Education:
His Excellency Mansur Sahib, under the guidance of his father assumed his religious education in the village mosque and joined the local primary school for his early studies at the age of seven. As he showed signs of wisdom, acumen and insight in his early childhood, he received special care and attention from his father as well as all his teachers.
Due to his deep love for learning, he successfully completed his early education in a considerably short period of time. He left his home in pursuit of secondary education, joining various bigger distinguished madrassas where he completed his studies all the while earning a reputation as an intelligent and honest pupil among his contemporaries due to his innate acumen and excellent Islamic ethics.
He had not yet begun his higher education when the political control of Afghanistan fell to the Communists and the Afghan Mujahid nation rose up and began their Islamic revolution against them.
His Jihadi and political struggle:
Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1978, the Afghan Mujahid masses began their Islamic resistance (Jihad) against them.
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur, who was now in his mid-teen years and had intended to complete his religious education left them unfinished and began waging armed Jihad in the middle years of the Russian occupation due his Jihadi passion.
But due to his deep love for learning, he would continue his studies under the supervision of his benevolent teachers upon returning from Jihadi fronts. It was with this sheer resolve that he completed his second to last year of studies and before beginning the final year studies, he left for the frontlines once and for all.
His Excellency Mansur Sahib who had just entered his early twenties was a strong and courageous young man who had purposely assumed armed Jihad as a valiant Mujahid to defend his creed and country against the invading Soviets and their internal stooge communists.
In 1985 he chose his Jihadi front in Kandahar by joining the famous Jihadi group of late commander Qari Azizullah and continued his Jihad against the occupying (former) Soviet forces and their internal communist puppets in Pashmul area of Panjwai district under the supervision of a well-known Jihadi figure Alhaj Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhond, who would later be selected as deputy head of the ministerial council during the rule of the Islamic Emirate. The Jihadi group of late Qari Azizullah was associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Movement of eminent Jihadi leader late Moulavi Mohammad Nabi Muhammadi. After the martyrdom of Qari Azizullah, this group was linked under the leadership of Commander Mullah Haji Mohammad with the Islamic Party of prominent Jihadi leader Moulavi Mohmmad Younun Khalis.
His Excellency, Mansur Sahib actively participated in various military operations against the former Soviet occupying forces and their internal stooges. In 1987, during a direct assault on a strategic Russian military post in Sanzary area of Panjwai district in Kandahar, he was injured with thirteen wounds on his body and later recovered by the grace of Almighty Allah. He was injured for a second time in May 1997 at Mazar-i-Sharif airport during the reign of the Islamic Emirate and subsequently captured by the opponent forces.
His foundational role in the Islamic Movement of Taliban:
After the collapse of communist regime inside Afghanistan and the outbreak of civil war in 1992, Mansur Sahib laid down his arms just like all the sincere Mujahidin and did not support any party in the illegitimate war for power.
His Excellency Mansur Sahib, who was a renowned Mujahid at the time, abandoned all factional activities resembling other well-known local Jihadi and military personalities like the late Mullah Mohammad Rabbani, late Haji Mullah Mohammad and late Mullah Bor Jan. He started living an ordinary life and began engaging in various educational and training activities.
In 1994 when the Islamic Movement of Taliban was founded by His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace), Mansur Sahib played a crucial role in the organization and development of this movement. Due to his Jihadi and administrative proficiencies, he was tasked major responsibilities by the then head of the Islamic Movement of Taliban which are as following:
After the conquest of Kandahar province and subsequent successes of Taliban Islamic Movement in south western zone, His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the director general of Kandahar Airport due to the trust he placed in the administrative and Jihadi talents displayed by him.
When Kandahar province fell to the Taliban, he was given the responsibility of air force and air defense system of Kandahar.
After the conquest of the capital Kabul in 1996, he was appointed as the minister of aviation and tourism.
Simultaneously with heading the ministry, he was placed in charge of the Emirate’s air-force and air-defense in the ministry of defense on the basis of a special decree of late Amir-ul-Momineen.
While heading the aviation and tourism ministry of Afghanistan, he completed a number of new and reconstruction projects which are briefly discussed in the following lines:
When the capital city of Kabul came under the control of the Islamic Emirate, the main buildings and premises of aviation ministry inside this city were heavily damaged due to the internal factional fighting. Due to his reconstruction policy, Mansur Sahib successfully managed to repair all the damaged planes of this ministry and rebuilt the main airbases.
At that time the Islamic Emirate was facing serious financial problems on top of international pressures and sanctions but Mansur Sahib managed to renovate Kabul International Airport and its related buildings despite the inapt financial circumstances. Then he equipped the International Ariana Afghan Airlines for national and international flights in accordance with international standards.
After that he primed the airports of Kandahar, Herat, Nangarhar, Mazar-i-Sharif and Kunduz provinces for all kinds of civil and military flights and furnished them with advanced equipment.
On top of several reconstructive services in various civil and military fields of the Islamic Emirate, his biggest accomplishment was his repairing a great asset of Afghanistan (the air force), its damaged planes and mostly destroyed airports.
He arranged 24-hour flight facility inside Afghanistan and after a long delay of several years, for the first time thousands of Afghans were able to perform the Hajj pilgrim via Afghan Ariana Airlines.
Afghanistan which once had advanced defensive air capabilities on a regional level was totally paralyzed and put out of service due to the Russian invasion and subsequent internal factional fighting to the extent that some of the planes were dismantled and their parts sold as scrap metal. However it was Mansur Sahib’s indefatigable efforts which put all these damaged planes back into service.
Respected Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur Sahib who tenured as the minister of aviation through the entire rule of Islamic Emirate put immense efforts into reviving and developing Afghanistan’s ministry of civil aviation.
Here we would like to present a few more examples of his work:
For the better guidance and control of transit flights of other countries passing through the airspace of Afghanistan, advanced aviation control systems (ویست دستگاه) were installed in all the prominent international airports like Kabul, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Mazar-i-Sharif and Herat which can still be found there today. This system resulted in millions of dollars of revenue as transit tax from international flights via Afghanistan.
According to a report published at the time by the aviation and air defense departments, nearly 44 different transport aircrafts and fighter helicopters which were damaged and put out of use were renovated by Mansur Sahib and then utilized by the air aviation and air forces for a long time. Their details are as follow:
Transport planes:
Three N-12 planes
Four N-32 planes
Two N-26 planes
Fighter Jets:
Eight Jet Mig-21
Three Jet Su M420
Five Jet Su 22
Six Mi-8
Eight Mi-35
Five Al-39
Russian airplanes type 41 and n24 as well as American Boeing Company aircraft used by Ariana International were also renovated in foreign countries and used for public transportation. He also purchased five Russian made transport planes in the open market.
In addition to these purchased and renovated aircrafts Afghanistan had tens of Jets, transport planes and helicopters already in service, playing the role of a well-built air force. Instances of its activity at hand was their continuous aerial support and supply to Kunduz and other far flung areas where Mujahidin had bases, active frontlines or were besieged as well as their regular national and international flights to all major cities of the country and multiple foreign destinations. But in the wake of the brutal American invasion and indiscriminate bombing of our major airports, this fundamental national asset was completely destroyed.
During the reign of the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur was imprisoned in northern Afghanistan for over six months due to the treachery of General Abdul Malik but by the grace of Almighty Allah, he was released when General Malik fled from Faryab province upon the resurfacing of General Dostum, opening a window of opportunity for the release of detainees from prisons.
Armed resistance against the American invasion:
After the American invasion of Afghanistan on 7th October 2001, Mansur Sahib began his armed resistance against them. In his Jihadi lifetime, this period was fraught with difficulties and challenges for Mansur Sahib.
Besides being a member of the supreme leading council of Islamic Emirate, he was given the additional responsibility of Jihadi in-charge of Kandahar province by the late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace).
Like other provinces of Afghanistan, Kandahar was in need of a strong, experienced and sincere Jihadi commander because the Americans planned and launched all their military strategies against Mujahidin for the entire south west zone from Kandahar. This was the reason that following Helmand, the second largest contingent of American, Canadian and other foreign troops were based in Kandahar and the second largest base after Bagram airbase was also built here.
But due to his Jihadi acumen, Mansur Sahib managed to sketch successful Jihadi plans against the foreign invading troops in Kandahar, rendering their well-known generals and distinguished military planners of the time inept in its combat and prevention.
Mansur Sahib’s Jihadi ingenuity saw him take charge in drawing and managing Jihadi plans for the entire south-western zone of Afghanistan after due consultations with the Jihadi in-charges of neighboring provinces, carrying out successful fatal attacks against the invading crusaders in Kandahar as well as in Uruzgan, Zabul and Helmand provinces.
Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate extraordinarily managed to break the heavily fortified Kandahar central prison in the years 2003 and 2008, freeing over one thousand and five hundred captive Mujahidin each time from the brutal hands of the enemy. These events also took place when Mansur Sahib was the in-charge of Kandahar.
As the Deputy Head of the Islamic Emirate:
In 2007 when the former deputy head of the Islamic Emirate Alhaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was arrested, the late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur as the second deputy alongside Mullah Baradar Akhond, the deputy head of the Islamic Emirate, and instructed him to concurrently continue his responsibility as the Jihadi in-charge of Kandahar province as it was a central fighting front against the foreign invaders.
In 2010 when the deputy head of Islamic Emirate Alhaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was martyred in the detention of Pakistani forces and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, second deputy head of the Islamic Emirate was arrested by joint American and Pakistani forces in the city of Karachi, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the deputy head and general in-charge of all operational activities of the Islamic Emirate.
It was a time when the Jihadi resistance was facing tough challenges in Afghanistan as 30,000 extra troops were deployed by the Obama administration and over a hundred thousand foreign invading forces equipped with state-of-the-art technology and supported by 350,000 internal mercenary forces were actively fighting Mujahidin in each and every corner of our country.
On the one hand, it was nearly impossible for the leader of the Islamic Emirate, late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) to appear and guide the resistance militarily due to the critical security situation and on the other hand, the military and administrative vacuum in Jihadi fronts tipped the balance of resistance in the favor of the enemy.
There was huge military pressure on the Mujahidin on top of the increasing political and propaganda pressures. Many Jihadi in-charges were martyred on the battle field and a number of them were arrested.
In those most daunting circumstances, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) placed the enormous task of managing Mujahidin against the invading crusaders on the shoulders of Mansur Sahib and appointed no other deputy to support him.
Respected Mansur Sahib, with the divine help of Almighty Allah and aid of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, successfully managed to control and lead the ongoing armed resistance in such an admirable way that no leadership vacuum was ever felt by the Mujahidin.
It was the year 2010 which would prove to be the most fatal and costly year for foreign crusading forces inside Afghanistan. Mujahidin managed to carry out their most fatal campaign against the enemy during the span of that year, forcing them to confess to the deaths of 770 foreign soldiers.
Similarly under the successful leadership of Mansur Sahib, Mujahidin managed to liberate vast areas of our beloved homeland from the enemy and establish an organized Islamic system of life in them.
After the passing away of Amir-ul-Momineen Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace):
On 23rd April 2013, when Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid passed away, some members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, authentic scholars, envoys and messengers of late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid and his permanent colleagues who lived with him till the last moments of his life pledged their allegiance to Mansur Sahib and appointed him as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate.
Since 2013 was considered the last year of resistance and struggle for Mujahidin against the foreign invading crusaders therefore several key members of the supreme leading council of the Islamic Emirate and authentic religious scholars together decided on concealing the tragic news of passing away of His Excellency, late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) and keep this secret limited to the very few colleagues who were already informed of this incorrigible loss. One of the main reasons behind this decision was due to the fact that 2013 was considered the final year of power testing between the Mujahidin and foreign invaders who in turn had announced that at the end of 2014, all military operations by foreign troops would be concluded.
It was for these Jihadi Masaleh (interests/considerations) that this depressing news was concealed in an extraordinary way up until 30th July 2015.
As the new selected Amir (leader) of the Islamic Emirate:
When the leading council of the Islamic Emirate officially announced the passing away of late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) on 14th Shawwal-ul-Mukarram 1436 Hijra (lunar) corresponding with 30th July 2015, for the sake of even greater satisfaction of Mujahidin, Mansur Sahib gave all decision making powers to the leading council of the Islamic Emirate and religious scholars to decide about his fate as well as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate. He assured them that whosoever is appointed as their new leader, he would obey him wholeheartedly.
On this occasion, members of the supreme leading council of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars and saints, considered Ahl Hal wal Aqd (influential and discerning people) decided after prolonged discussions and giving consideration to interests (of Muslims and Jihad) in the absence of Mansur Sahib, to appoint him as the new Amir (leader) of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
As soon as His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur was appointed as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate, members of leading council of the Islamic Emirate, heads of all commissions of the Islamic Emirate, director generals of judiciary and courts, heads of military commissions, intellectuals, national, Jihadi, political and cultural figures of our country, commanders of armed forces and all civilian authorities of the Islamic Emirate unequivocally pledged their allegiance with the newly appointed leader of the Islamic Emirate. All these military and civilian in-charges and national dignitaries of our country sent their oaths of allegiance both verbally and in written form to the publication branch of the cultural commission of the Islamic Emirate which were subsequently published on the main Alemarah website.
His appointment as new leader from Shariah point of view:
Gathering of Ahl Hal wal Aqd to select a leader in Islam is considered to be the most authentic and reliable procedure by religious scholars and experts of Islamic political law. The term ‘Ahl Haq wal Aqd’ (influential and discerning people) can be applied to all knowledgeable, experienced and insightful people which is usually termed as ‘Shura’ or council. Three procedures are generally deduced by deeply penetrating into the various ways of selection of four pious Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them) in the early days of Islam. The first one is candidacy, the second one is selection and the third one is that of pledging allegiance to someone.
Nomination or candidacy for leadership should not be forwarded by the person who is going to be selected Amir or leader as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:
إنا والله لا نولي هذا العمل أحدا سألة أو أحدا حرص عليه
)متفق عليه ) (اخرجه البخارى (7149 ) ومسلم ( 1733 )
Translation: I swear by Allah that we will not appoint anyone to this task (leadership) who has desire or greed for it. (Agreed upon) (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Nomination must be made by someone for a single individual just like the nomination of the first Caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique when Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with all of them) held his hand and forwarded him for leadership then the companions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) selected him as their Imam or leader. It can be the nomination of several persons just like Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) nominated some companions for leadership before his martyrdom and then Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) was selected as third Caliph of Islam among them.
Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur has never nominated himself for leadership rather he was selected as the only candidate for leadership in the very first meeting by members of leading council of the Islamic Emirate and religious scholars. In the second meeting, he plainly declared to the council that he has no desire for leadership rather he would like to serve the lofty cause of the Islamic Emirate as an ordinary worker.
But the council nominated him as the only suitable candidate for leadership. After prolonged discussion of this Shura comprising of religious scholars, saints and members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, all of them knowledgeable and experienced people of Jihad, he was appointed as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate. The members of this Shura pledged their allegiance to him foremost followed by other responsible people, ordinary Mujahidin and the general masses.
It can confidently be proclaimed that his appointment took place in full compliance with Islamic Shariah law therefore hundreds of thousands of other ordinary people from all parts of the country and hundreds of authentic scholars of the Holy Quran and the Traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) accepted his leadership, labeled it totally legitimate and pledged their allegiances accordingly.
His leading and charismatic personality:
The newly appointed leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Amir-ul-Mumineen Mullah Akhtar Mohammad (Mansur), may Allah safeguard him, is considered an effective, influential and dominant personality from among the foundational members of the Islamic Emirate.
He is naturally bequeathed with unique leading and guiding capabilities.
Piety, sincerity, Jihadi vision, political acumen and administrative qualities in implementing various tasks are characteristics which individuate him.
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur thoroughly follows the footsteps of his predecessor and Jihadi leader, late Mulla Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) in implementing all the Jihadi activities of the Islamic Emirate. Safeguarding lofty Jihadi ideals, liberation of our beloved homeland from foreign occupation and the implementation of Shariah system therein are the main objectives of his Jihad and struggle. According to the teachings of the Holy Quran, he carefully listens to all the useful and constructive advices and suggestions of all colleagues in executing all minor and major tasks. He tries to assign duties to competent people and subsequently trusts them thoroughly. He always recommends to the responsible people to have mercy and pity on the ordinary masses.
He greatly emphasizes on this point, “The Islamic Emirate is a common abode of all Afghans therefore all should be reflected herein.”
His vision and ideological perspectives:
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur belongs to people of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’ah (Sunnah and Consensus) and follows the path of the great Imam (jurist) Hazrat Abu Hanifa (may Allah bless him).
He is fully conscious of the delicacy and complexity of all contemporary regional and international politics.
While facing him, one can easily discern his serenity, gravity and dignity. Simplicity and straightforwardness are his common companions.
He has special interest in studying the role model of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as the lives of his lofty companions (may Allah be pleased with them). He is always eager and interested to hear about the military situations of battlefields whenever meeting Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.
Despite all his many Jihadi and administrative activities and responsibilities, he regularly and keenly follows the media and subsequently gives distinct meaningful recommendations to Jihadi writers, particularly to the workers of the cultural and publication department of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
His routine life and some of his characteristics:
His Excellency, Mullah Mohammad Mansur assumes his day with the recitation of the Holy Quran. He remains in regular contact with Jihadi fronts and the military in-charges. He thoroughly checks all the military planning against the enemy and fully stresses upon all Jihadi commanders to protect the lives and properties of all civilian masses and to deal with them in sympathetic and dignified manner.
As a dominant military commander, he treats his Jihadi colleagues, Mujahidin and ordinary masses in respectful and compassionate manner. He pays full attention and renders due respect to the words and advices of scholars, teachers and all elderly people in public and private meetings. He gives special attention to looking after the orphans and families of Mujahidin who have laid down their lives in the path of Jihad. He takes due care in all political matters and carefully listens to views and suggestions of all discerning people in this regard.
He particularly loves and has interest in marksmanship. He considers the implementation of Jihadi exercises the most suitable and required sport of our time.
He speaks less and tries to listen more to other people. He likes and wears loose, neat and clean clothes. He dislikes and avoids extravagance and prodigality in dressing, eating and all other needs of everyday life.
The main and foremost purpose of his life is the well-organization of Jihadi activities and their subsequent follow-up. In this fashion he remains busy from dawn to dust.
May Almighty Allah safeguard him! Amin

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)
الحمد لله رب العالمین ، والعاقبة للمتقین ، والصلاة والسلام علی سید الانبیاء والمرسلین ، قائد المجاهدین نبینا ومولانا محمد علیه افضل الصلوات والتسلیم وعلی آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدی بهدیه اجمعین وبعد.
The prominent figureheads of Jihad generally possess distinct leadership qualities. They are usually either naturally gifted with these capabilities or they master them through learning and studying other Jihadi leaders. Due to their deep sincerity and devotion, these Jihadi leaders are granted with exceptional divine generosity, support and benevolence as Almighty Allah says:
(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)
Translation: (And as for those who strive to meet Us – We will surely guide them in Our ways. And verily, ALLAH is with those who do good.) [Al-Ankaboot:69]
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is considered an impregnable front of Jihad and struggle against international infidelity and tyranny whose founding founders are by the grace of Almighty Allah bequeathed with extraordinary proficiency and skills as leaders and guides.
The founder of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan himself, the late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was a living anthology of such leadership qualities. Amidst the battlefield of Jihad and combating international infidelity, he successfully managed to transfer these lofty aptitudes of Muslim leadership qualities to several of his Mujahidin brothers who were his intimate colleagues, struggling together in the thorny path of establishing the sacred and sovereign system of Allah, the Almighty.
His Excellency, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was the spiritual and moral guide of new students of the Jihadi madrassa [Mujahidin] as well as being their military leader. The Umari Jihadi Madrassa trained and graduated many high caliber personalities during his lifetime and under his leadership, each one perfectly capable of guiding the Muslim masses in the most critical junctures of this era.
It is established religious foundations rather than particular personalities which play a pivotal role in ideological and Jihadi movements. Everything here is organized on the basis of Jihad and ideology. Teachings of the Holy Quran and noble deeds of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with all of them) are the role models for the followers of these movements.
The core responsibility of the leadership in such ideological movements is merely to educate its members and followers both morally and ideologically and to impart them with spiritual passion and commitment.
Upon founding the Taliban Islamic Movement and establishment of the Islamic Emirate, his Excellency late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) mentored for future leadership several Mujahidin who displayed foresight and leadership traits, capable of leading this Jihadi caravan to its goal and destination even in the most critical circumstances of Jihad and persistent struggle. Such fearless and courageous personalities who were undaunted by the most difficult of conditions nor influenced by dangerous temporal or spatial circumstances.
Among these foresighted vigilant personalities and pupils of the enduring Umari Madrassa is the newly selected leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur (may Allah safeguard him) who practically handled leadership affairs of the Islamic Emirate during the lifetime of late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) and was appointed as the new head (leader) of the Islamic Emirate by Ahl hal wal Aqd dignitaries of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars, Jihadi leaders and various other public figures after the announcement of his (RA) passing away.
Although the new leader of the Islamic Emirate is a well-recognized figure in all Jihadi spheres whoever to better acquaint his Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur to all the Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate and the general masses of the Muslim world having affection with the Islamic Emirate, it is deemed appropriate to write down a few lines about his life and personality.
His birth:
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur s/o Alhaj Mohammad Jan was born in 1347 Hijri (solar) – 1968 Gregorian in Band-i-Taimoor village of Maiwand district in Kandahar province.
As his family was well-known in the area for their affection for religion and learning and his father particularly held deep love for knowledge therefore his top priority for the healthy upbringing of his son was religious education.
Early Education:
His Excellency Mansur Sahib, under the guidance of his father assumed his religious education in the village mosque and joined the local primary school for his early studies at the age of seven. As he showed signs of wisdom, acumen and insight in his early childhood, he received special care and attention from his father as well as all his teachers.
Due to his deep love for learning, he successfully completed his early education in a considerably short period of time. He left his home in pursuit of secondary education, joining various bigger distinguished madrassas where he completed his studies all the while earning a reputation as an intelligent and honest pupil among his contemporaries due to his innate acumen and excellent Islamic ethics.
He had not yet begun his higher education when the political control of Afghanistan fell to the Communists and the Afghan Mujahid nation rose up and began their Islamic revolution against them.
His Jihadi and political struggle:
Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1978, the Afghan Mujahid masses began their Islamic resistance (Jihad) against them.
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur, who was now in his mid-teen years and had intended to complete his religious education left them unfinished and began waging armed Jihad in the middle years of the Russian occupation due his Jihadi passion.
But due to his deep love for learning, he would continue his studies under the supervision of his benevolent teachers upon returning from Jihadi fronts. It was with this sheer resolve that he completed his second to last year of studies and before beginning the final year studies, he left for the frontlines once and for all.
His Excellency Mansur Sahib who had just entered his early twenties was a strong and courageous young man who had purposely assumed armed Jihad as a valiant Mujahid to defend his creed and country against the invading Soviets and their internal stooge communists.
In 1985 he chose his Jihadi front in Kandahar by joining the famous Jihadi group of late commander Qari Azizullah and continued his Jihad against the occupying (former) Soviet forces and their internal communist puppets in Pashmul area of Panjwai district under the supervision of a well-known Jihadi figure Alhaj Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhond, who would later be selected as deputy head of the ministerial council during the rule of the Islamic Emirate. The Jihadi group of late Qari Azizullah was associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Movement of eminent Jihadi leader late Moulavi Mohammad Nabi Muhammadi. After the martyrdom of Qari Azizullah, this group was linked under the leadership of Commander Mullah Haji Mohammad with the Islamic Party of prominent Jihadi leader Moulavi Mohmmad Younun Khalis.
His Excellency, Mansur Sahib actively participated in various military operations against the former Soviet occupying forces and their internal stooges. In 1987, during a direct assault on a strategic Russian military post in Sanzary area of Panjwai district in Kandahar, he was injured with thirteen wounds on his body and later recovered by the grace of Almighty Allah. He was injured for a second time in May 1997 at Mazar-i-Sharif airport during the reign of the Islamic Emirate and subsequently captured by the opponent forces.
His foundational role in the Islamic Movement of Taliban:
After the collapse of communist regime inside Afghanistan and the outbreak of civil war in 1992, Mansur Sahib laid down his arms just like all the sincere Mujahidin and did not support any party in the illegitimate war for power.
His Excellency Mansur Sahib, who was a renowned Mujahid at the time, abandoned all factional activities resembling other well-known local Jihadi and military personalities like the late Mullah Mohammad Rabbani, late Haji Mullah Mohammad and late Mullah Bor Jan. He started living an ordinary life and began engaging in various educational and training activities.
In 1994 when the Islamic Movement of Taliban was founded by His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace), Mansur Sahib played a crucial role in the organization and development of this movement. Due to his Jihadi and administrative proficiencies, he was tasked major responsibilities by the then head of the Islamic Movement of Taliban which are as following:
After the conquest of Kandahar province and subsequent successes of Taliban Islamic Movement in south western zone, His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the director general of Kandahar Airport due to the trust he placed in the administrative and Jihadi talents displayed by him.
When Kandahar province fell to the Taliban, he was given the responsibility of air force and air defense system of Kandahar.
After the conquest of the capital Kabul in 1996, he was appointed as the minister of aviation and tourism.
Simultaneously with heading the ministry, he was placed in charge of the Emirate’s air-force and air-defense in the ministry of defense on the basis of a special decree of late Amir-ul-Momineen.
While heading the aviation and tourism ministry of Afghanistan, he completed a number of new and reconstruction projects which are briefly discussed in the following lines:
When the capital city of Kabul came under the control of the Islamic Emirate, the main buildings and premises of aviation ministry inside this city were heavily damaged due to the internal factional fighting. Due to his reconstruction policy, Mansur Sahib successfully managed to repair all the damaged planes of this ministry and rebuilt the main airbases.
At that time the Islamic Emirate was facing serious financial problems on top of international pressures and sanctions but Mansur Sahib managed to renovate Kabul International Airport and its related buildings despite the inapt financial circumstances. Then he equipped the International Ariana Afghan Airlines for national and international flights in accordance with international standards.
After that he primed the airports of Kandahar, Herat, Nangarhar, Mazar-i-Sharif and Kunduz provinces for all kinds of civil and military flights and furnished them with advanced equipment.
On top of several reconstructive services in various civil and military fields of the Islamic Emirate, his biggest accomplishment was his repairing a great asset of Afghanistan (the air force), its damaged planes and mostly destroyed airports.
He arranged 24-hour flight facility inside Afghanistan and after a long delay of several years, for the first time thousands of Afghans were able to perform the Hajj pilgrim via Afghan Ariana Airlines.
Afghanistan which once had advanced defensive air capabilities on a regional level was totally paralyzed and put out of service due to the Russian invasion and subsequent internal factional fighting to the extent that some of the planes were dismantled and their parts sold as scrap metal. However it was Mansur Sahib’s indefatigable efforts which put all these damaged planes back into service.
Respected Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur Sahib who tenured as the minister of aviation through the entire rule of Islamic Emirate put immense efforts into reviving and developing Afghanistan’s ministry of civil aviation.
Here we would like to present a few more examples of his work:
For the better guidance and control of transit flights of other countries passing through the airspace of Afghanistan, advanced aviation control systems (ویست دستگاه) were installed in all the prominent international airports like Kabul, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Mazar-i-Sharif and Herat which can still be found there today. This system resulted in millions of dollars of revenue as transit tax from international flights via Afghanistan.
According to a report published at the time by the aviation and air defense departments, nearly 44 different transport aircrafts and fighter helicopters which were damaged and put out of use were renovated by Mansur Sahib and then utilized by the air aviation and air forces for a long time. Their details are as follow:
Transport planes:
Three N-12 planes
Four N-32 planes
Two N-26 planes
Fighter Jets:
Eight Jet Mig-21
Three Jet Su M420
Five Jet Su 22
Six Mi-8
Eight Mi-35
Five Al-39
Russian airplanes type 41 and n24 as well as American Boeing Company aircraft used by Ariana International were also renovated in foreign countries and used for public transportation. He also purchased five Russian made transport planes in the open market.
In addition to these purchased and renovated aircrafts Afghanistan had tens of Jets, transport planes and helicopters already in service, playing the role of a well-built air force. Instances of its activity at hand was their continuous aerial support and supply to Kunduz and other far flung areas where Mujahidin had bases, active frontlines or were besieged as well as their regular national and international flights to all major cities of the country and multiple foreign destinations. But in the wake of the brutal American invasion and indiscriminate bombing of our major airports, this fundamental national asset was completely destroyed.
During the reign of the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur was imprisoned in northern Afghanistan for over six months due to the treachery of General Abdul Malik but by the grace of Almighty Allah, he was released when General Malik fled from Faryab province upon the resurfacing of General Dostum, opening a window of opportunity for the release of detainees from prisons.
Armed resistance against the American invasion:
After the American invasion of Afghanistan on 7th October 2001, Mansur Sahib began his armed resistance against them. In his Jihadi lifetime, this period was fraught with difficulties and challenges for Mansur Sahib.
Besides being a member of the supreme leading council of Islamic Emirate, he was given the additional responsibility of Jihadi in-charge of Kandahar province by the late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace).
Like other provinces of Afghanistan, Kandahar was in need of a strong, experienced and sincere Jihadi commander because the Americans planned and launched all their military strategies against Mujahidin for the entire south west zone from Kandahar. This was the reason that following Helmand, the second largest contingent of American, Canadian and other foreign troops were based in Kandahar and the second largest base after Bagram airbase was also built here.
But due to his Jihadi acumen, Mansur Sahib managed to sketch successful Jihadi plans against the foreign invading troops in Kandahar, rendering their well-known generals and distinguished military planners of the time inept in its combat and prevention.
Mansur Sahib’s Jihadi ingenuity saw him take charge in drawing and managing Jihadi plans for the entire south-western zone of Afghanistan after due consultations with the Jihadi in-charges of neighboring provinces, carrying out successful fatal attacks against the invading crusaders in Kandahar as well as in Uruzgan, Zabul and Helmand provinces.
Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate extraordinarily managed to break the heavily fortified Kandahar central prison in the years 2003 and 2008, freeing over one thousand and five hundred captive Mujahidin each time from the brutal hands of the enemy. These events also took place when Mansur Sahib was the in-charge of Kandahar.
As the Deputy Head of the Islamic Emirate:
In 2007 when the former deputy head of the Islamic Emirate Alhaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was arrested, the late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur as the second deputy alongside Mullah Baradar Akhond, the deputy head of the Islamic Emirate, and instructed him to concurrently continue his responsibility as the Jihadi in-charge of Kandahar province as it was a central fighting front against the foreign invaders.
In 2010 when the deputy head of Islamic Emirate Alhaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was martyred in the detention of Pakistani forces and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, second deputy head of the Islamic Emirate was arrested by joint American and Pakistani forces in the city of Karachi, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the deputy head and general in-charge of all operational activities of the Islamic Emirate.
It was a time when the Jihadi resistance was facing tough challenges in Afghanistan as 30,000 extra troops were deployed by the Obama administration and over a hundred thousand foreign invading forces equipped with state-of-the-art technology and supported by 350,000 internal mercenary forces were actively fighting Mujahidin in each and every corner of our country.
On the one hand, it was nearly impossible for the leader of the Islamic Emirate, late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) to appear and guide the resistance militarily due to the critical security situation and on the other hand, the military and administrative vacuum in Jihadi fronts tipped the balance of resistance in the favor of the enemy.
There was huge military pressure on the Mujahidin on top of the increasing political and propaganda pressures. Many Jihadi in-charges were martyred on the battle field and a number of them were arrested.
In those most daunting circumstances, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) placed the enormous task of managing Mujahidin against the invading crusaders on the shoulders of Mansur Sahib and appointed no other deputy to support him.
Respected Mansur Sahib, with the divine help of Almighty Allah and aid of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, successfully managed to control and lead the ongoing armed resistance in such an admirable way that no leadership vacuum was ever felt by the Mujahidin.
It was the year 2010 which would prove to be the most fatal and costly year for foreign crusading forces inside Afghanistan. Mujahidin managed to carry out their most fatal campaign against the enemy during the span of that year, forcing them to confess to the deaths of 770 foreign soldiers.
Similarly under the successful leadership of Mansur Sahib, Mujahidin managed to liberate vast areas of our beloved homeland from the enemy and establish an organized Islamic system of life in them.
After the passing away of Amir-ul-Momineen Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace):
On 23rd April 2013, when Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid passed away, some members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, authentic scholars, envoys and messengers of late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid and his permanent colleagues who lived with him till the last moments of his life pledged their allegiance to Mansur Sahib and appointed him as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate.
Since 2013 was considered the last year of resistance and struggle for Mujahidin against the foreign invading crusaders therefore several key members of the supreme leading council of the Islamic Emirate and authentic religious scholars together decided on concealing the tragic news of passing away of His Excellency, late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) and keep this secret limited to the very few colleagues who were already informed of this incorrigible loss. One of the main reasons behind this decision was due to the fact that 2013 was considered the final year of power testing between the Mujahidin and foreign invaders who in turn had announced that at the end of 2014, all military operations by foreign troops would be concluded.
It was for these Jihadi Masaleh (interests/considerations) that this depressing news was concealed in an extraordinary way up until 30th July 2015.
As the new selected Amir (leader) of the Islamic Emirate:
When the leading council of the Islamic Emirate officially announced the passing away of late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) on 14th Shawwal-ul-Mukarram 1436 Hijra (lunar) corresponding with 30th July 2015, for the sake of even greater satisfaction of Mujahidin, Mansur Sahib gave all decision making powers to the leading council of the Islamic Emirate and religious scholars to decide about his fate as well as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate. He assured them that whosoever is appointed as their new leader, he would obey him wholeheartedly.
On this occasion, members of the supreme leading council of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars and saints, considered Ahl Hal wal Aqd (influential and discerning people) decided after prolonged discussions and giving consideration to interests (of Muslims and Jihad) in the absence of Mansur Sahib, to appoint him as the new Amir (leader) of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
As soon as His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur was appointed as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate, members of leading council of the Islamic Emirate, heads of all commissions of the Islamic Emirate, director generals of judiciary and courts, heads of military commissions, intellectuals, national, Jihadi, political and cultural figures of our country, commanders of armed forces and all civilian authorities of the Islamic Emirate unequivocally pledged their allegiance with the newly appointed leader of the Islamic Emirate. All these military and civilian in-charges and national dignitaries of our country sent their oaths of allegiance both verbally and in written form to the publication branch of the cultural commission of the Islamic Emirate which were subsequently published on the main Alemarah website.
His appointment as new leader from Shariah point of view:
Gathering of Ahl Hal wal Aqd to select a leader in Islam is considered to be the most authentic and reliable procedure by religious scholars and experts of Islamic political law. The term ‘Ahl Haq wal Aqd’ (influential and discerning people) can be applied to all knowledgeable, experienced and insightful people which is usually termed as ‘Shura’ or council. Three procedures are generally deduced by deeply penetrating into the various ways of selection of four pious Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them) in the early days of Islam. The first one is candidacy, the second one is selection and the third one is that of pledging allegiance to someone.
Nomination or candidacy for leadership should not be forwarded by the person who is going to be selected Amir or leader as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:
إنا والله لا نولي هذا العمل أحدا سألة أو أحدا حرص عليه
)متفق عليه ) (اخرجه البخارى (7149 ) ومسلم ( 1733 )
Translation: I swear by Allah that we will not appoint anyone to this task (leadership) who has desire or greed for it. (Agreed upon) (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Nomination must be made by someone for a single individual just like the nomination of the first Caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique when Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with all of them) held his hand and forwarded him for leadership then the companions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) selected him as their Imam or leader. It can be the nomination of several persons just like Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) nominated some companions for leadership before his martyrdom and then Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) was selected as third Caliph of Islam among them.
Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur has never nominated himself for leadership rather he was selected as the only candidate for leadership in the very first meeting by members of leading council of the Islamic Emirate and religious scholars. In the second meeting, he plainly declared to the council that he has no desire for leadership rather he would like to serve the lofty cause of the Islamic Emirate as an ordinary worker.
But the council nominated him as the only suitable candidate for leadership. After prolonged discussion of this Shura comprising of religious scholars, saints and members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, all of them knowledgeable and experienced people of Jihad, he was appointed as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate. The members of this Shura pledged their allegiance to him foremost followed by other responsible people, ordinary Mujahidin and the general masses.
It can confidently be proclaimed that his appointment took place in full compliance with Islamic Shariah law therefore hundreds of thousands of other ordinary people from all parts of the country and hundreds of authentic scholars of the Holy Quran and the Traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) accepted his leadership, labeled it totally legitimate and pledged their allegiances accordingly.
His leading and charismatic personality:
The newly appointed leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Amir-ul-Mumineen Mullah Akhtar Mohammad (Mansur), may Allah safeguard him, is considered an effective, influential and dominant personality from among the foundational members of the Islamic Emirate.
He is naturally bequeathed with unique leading and guiding capabilities.
Piety, sincerity, Jihadi vision, political acumen and administrative qualities in implementing various tasks are characteristics which individuate him.
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur thoroughly follows the footsteps of his predecessor and Jihadi leader, late Mulla Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) in implementing all the Jihadi activities of the Islamic Emirate. Safeguarding lofty Jihadi ideals, liberation of our beloved homeland from foreign occupation and the implementation of Shariah system therein are the main objectives of his Jihad and struggle. According to the teachings of the Holy Quran, he carefully listens to all the useful and constructive advices and suggestions of all colleagues in executing all minor and major tasks. He tries to assign duties to competent people and subsequently trusts them thoroughly. He always recommends to the responsible people to have mercy and pity on the ordinary masses.
He greatly emphasizes on this point, “The Islamic Emirate is a common abode of all Afghans therefore all should be reflected herein.”
His vision and ideological perspectives:
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur belongs to people of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’ah (Sunnah and Consensus) and follows the path of the great Imam (jurist) Hazrat Abu Hanifa (may Allah bless him).
He is fully conscious of the delicacy and complexity of all contemporary regional and international politics.
While facing him, one can easily discern his serenity, gravity and dignity. Simplicity and straightforwardness are his common companions.
He has special interest in studying the role model of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as the lives of his lofty companions (may Allah be pleased with them). He is always eager and interested to hear about the military situations of battlefields whenever meeting Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.
Despite all his many Jihadi and administrative activities and responsibilities, he regularly and keenly follows the media and subsequently gives distinct meaningful recommendations to Jihadi writers, particularly to the workers of the cultural and publication department of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
His routine life and some of his characteristics:
His Excellency, Mullah Mohammad Mansur assumes his day with the recitation of the Holy Quran. He remains in regular contact with Jihadi fronts and the military in-charges. He thoroughly checks all the military planning against the enemy and fully stresses upon all Jihadi commanders to protect the lives and properties of all civilian masses and to deal with them in sympathetic and dignified manner.
As a dominant military commander, he treats his Jihadi colleagues, Mujahidin and ordinary masses in respectful and compassionate manner. He pays full attention and renders due respect to the words and advices of scholars, teachers and all elderly people in public and private meetings. He gives special attention to looking after the orphans and families of Mujahidin who have laid down their lives in the path of Jihad. He takes due care in all political matters and carefully listens to views and suggestions of all discerning people in this regard.
He particularly loves and has interest in marksmanship. He considers the implementation of Jihadi exercises the most suitable and required sport of our time.
He speaks less and tries to listen more to other people. He likes and wears loose, neat and clean clothes. He dislikes and avoids extravagance and prodigality in dressing, eating and all other needs of everyday life.
The main and foremost purpose of his life is the well-organization of Jihadi activities and their subsequent follow-up. In this fashion he remains busy from dawn to dust.
May Almighty Allah safeguard him! Amin

posted from Bloggeroid
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