Monday, 31 August 2015

صومالی القاعدہ کے مجاھدین نے بڑا حملہ کر کے افریقی اتحاد کی افواج کے بڑے فوجی اڈے پہ قبضہ کر لیا-

صومالی القاعدہ (الشباب) کے مجاھدین نے یوگنڈہ میں جنالی کے علاقے میں ایک بڑے فوجی بیس پہ حملہ کر کے قبضہ کر لیا اور بیس پہ اپنے جھنڈے لہرا دئیے-
حملے کا آغاز ایک فدائی حملے سے کیا گیا جس سے تقریباً 60 یوگنڈہ کے فوجی ہلاک ہو گئے اور کے بعد الشباب کے مجاھدین نے بیس پہ حملہ کر دیا اور شدید فائرنگ شروع ہو گئی- بچ جانے والے یوگنڈہ کے فوجیوں نے قریبی دریا شبیلے میں کود کر جانیں بچائی- ابھی فوجیوں کی اموات کے کل شمار کا صحیح اندازہ نہیں لگایا جا سکا-
اس فوجی بیس پہ اسلحے کے بڑے ذخائر ہیں جن پہ اب مجاھدین کا قبضہ ہو گیا ہے- مجاھدین نے کاروائی سے پہلے فوجی اڈے کو جانے والا پل بھی دھماکے سے اڑا دیا تھا تا کہ مذید کمک نہ پہنچ سکے اور نہ ہی فوجی وہاں سے بھاگ سکیں-
واضح رھے کہ یوگنڈہ کی فوج افریقی یونین کے فوجی اتحاد AMISOM کا حصہ ہیں جن کو اقوام متحدہ نے الشباب مجاھدین کے خلاف لڑنے کے لئے تشکیل دیا ہے لیکن یہ اتحاد الشباب کو ختم کرنے میں بری طرح ناکام ہو گیا ہے-

posted from Bloggeroid

The Emergence of Jund al-Aqsa and the assassination of Abu Abdelaziz al-Qatari

As Jabhat al-Nusra gained more popularity and became increasingly successful in the Syrian revolution, many sides including ISIL, Qatar and various rebel groups sought to control or at least influence its course.

The Kuwaiti Shiekh, Hamed al-Ali came to Syria and stayed with senior Nusra leaders trying to gain a Qatari foothold in Nusra. Ali is a wealthy man with strong ties to clerics in the Gulf whose blessings are valuable to any Islamic faction in Syria. At this point, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was watching Nusra closely and worried about losing it to the Qataris.

In January 2013, following the capture of Taftanaz airbase in rural Idlib, Baghdadi sent Abu Ali al-Anbari and ISIL spokesman al-Adnani (Taha Hamam) to Syria. The men’s mission was to contact Nusra’s second row commanders and convince them to pledge allegiance to Baghdadi. Baghdadi’s envoys secretly promised their supporters within Nusra that they would be given high positions in the Islamic state which would soon extend to Syria. They urged that Nusra had to be dissolved.

Nusra leader Abu Muhammad al-Jolani knew that Baghdadi and Anbari were scheming. In a meeting with Abu Abdelaziz al-Qatari - Muhammad Yusof al-Athamna- they decided to form a new faction called "Saraya al-Aqsa" which became later "Jund al-Aqsa". Jolani and al-Qatari wanted Jund al-Aqsa to include both Syrian and foreign fighters. They planned to join it later if Baghdadi declared the expansion of his state to Syria and if Zawahri decided to dissolve Nusra.

Emir of Jund al-Aqsa Abu Abdelaziz al-Qatari "Muhammad Yusof al-Athamna"

When Baghdadi declared the Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant, most Nusra members joined it immediately. However, Jolani still had loyal groups across Syria and Jund al-Aqsa was still present. For ISIL, Jund al-Aqsa was no more than a hostile project and they believed al-Qatari had to be eliminated.

When the fight between ISIL and various rebel groups began in January 2014, ISIL managed to assassinate al-Qatari and infiltrate Jund al-Aqsa in big numbers. According to all accounts, al-Qatari was assassinated after he handed a written letter to members of the Syrian Revolutionary Front (SRF) led by Jamal Marouf. The message was given to people from the Nassouh family in the al-Bara village. Then Al-Qatari headed to meet al-Anbari in Rif al-Muhandisin in Western Aleppo in an effort to end the fight on Friday January 3, 2014.

Al-Qatari did not know that Marouf's men in al-Bara were secret ISIL members. He disappeared after meeting them. Later on, these same men left for Raqqa and one of them, Ghazi al-Haj, became the ISIL arming official!

On December 20, 2014, six weeks after Marouf loss of his Zawiya Mount stronghold, an outlet close to ISIL published a film entitled "Syria Revolutionaries Front from inside" part 1 in which a former SRF accused Marouf of dictatorship and misbehavior. At the end of the film, it promised that the next part would reveal the identity of al-Qatari assassinator.

In the period between releasing the two parts of the film, Ghazi al-Haj Nassouh, contacted Jamal Marouf inviting him to join ISIL and promised him to be the governor of Idlib and that they would clear Nusra of the area. If he did not accept, they said they would accuse him of killing al-Qatari.

However, Marouf still refused ISIL offers and when the second part of the video was released March 5, 2015, SRF was directly accused of killing al-Qatari. In the video, Ahmad Moustafa Nassouh, a former SRF member who joined ISIL later on, told the story of how al-Qatari disappeared, and was later found dead in a well.

To be continued....

posted from Bloggeroid

امارت اسلامیہ افغانستان کے نئے زعیم امیرالمومنین ملا اختر محمد منصور حفظہ اللہ کا تعارف

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)

الحمد لله رب العالمین ، والعاقبة للمتقین ، والصلاة والسلام علی سید الانبیاء والمرسلین ، قائد المجاهدین نبینا ومولانا محمد علیه افضل الصلوات والتسلیم وعلی آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدی بهدیه اجمعین وبعد.

مجموعی طورپر جہادی صف کی قیادت کچھ خصوصی صفات سے بہرور ہوتی ہے ۔ بسا اوقات انہیں یہ صلاحیتیں وہبی طریقے سے حاصل ہوجاتی ہیں اور کبھی اپنے دیگر جہادی ساتھیوں کی تربیت کے دوران یہ صلاحیتیں حاصل کرلیتے ہیں ۔

اللہ کے دین کے ساتھ اپنے انتہائی خلوص اور فداکاری کہ وجہ سے جہادی قائدین پر اللہ تعالی کی خصوصی نوازشات ، نصرت اور مہربانیاں ہوتی ہیں ۔ اس حوالے سے اللہ تعالی کا ارشاد ہے :

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)

امارت اسلامیہ افغانستان جو معاصر دور میں عالمی سطح پر کفر واستبداد کے خلاف جہاد اور مزاحمت کا ایک مستحکم مورچہ سمجھا جاتا ہے اس کے موسسین رہنما وں کو اللہ تعالی نے وہبی طریقے سے قیادت اور رہنمائی کے فوق العادت صلاحیتوں اور مہارتوں سے نوازا ہے ۔

خود امارت اسلامیہ افغانستان کے موسس ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ قائدانہ صلاحیتوں کا ایک زندہ مجموعہ تھے ۔ انہوں نے عالمی کفر کے خلاف جہاد کے میدان میں مسلمانوں کی قیادت اور رہنمائی کی صلاحیتیں عملی طورپراپنے ساتھیوں کو منتقل کیں جو اللہ تعالی کے نظام کی حاکمیت کے لیے ان کے ساتھ تھے ۔

امیرالمومنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ ایک عسکری قائد کے ساتھ اس جہادی مدرسے کے جہادی طلباء )مجاہدین( کے لیے ایک روحانی اور اخلاقی مربی بھی تھے ۔

ان کی قیادت میں بہت سی ایسی شخصیات نے تربیت پائی جن میں سے ہر ایک اس دور میں مسلمانوں کی قیادت اور عصرحاضر کے ان حساس ترین حالات میں رہنمائی کی پوری صلاحیت رکھتا ہے ۔

فکری اور جہادی تحریکوں میں ویسے بھی شخصیات سے زیادہ بنیادی کردار مذہبی اساسات کا ہوتاہے ۔ یہاں سب کچھ جہادی اور فکری بنیادوں پر منظم ہوتا ہے ۔ قرآنی ارشادات ، رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اور خلفاء راشدین کے کارنامے اس تحریک کو بنیادی پالیسیاں فراہم کرتی ہیں ۔

اس طرح کی نظریاتی تحریکوں میں قائد اور قیادت کی بنیادی ذمہ داری اپنے افراد اور پیروکاروں کی نظریاتی اور اخلاقی تربیت اور انہیں فکری حوصلہ دینا ہوتا ہے ۔

امیرالمومنین ملا محمد عمرمجاہد رحمہ اللہ نے اسلامی تحریک کے آغاز اور اور پھر امارت اسلامیہ کی تاسیس کے وقت جہادی قیادت اور رہنمائی کے لیے قبل ازیں ایسے بابصیرت اور قائدانہ خصوصیات کے حامل لوگوں کی تربیت کی ہے جنہوں نے جہاد اور مزاحمت کے شدیدترین حالات میں بھی اس جہادی قافلہ کو منزل مقصود تک پہنچایا ۔

ایسی بہادر اور غیور شخصیات جو ہر طرح کے شدید حالات کا سامنا کرنے کی صورت میں نہ گھبراہٹ محسوس کرتے ہیں اور نہ خطرناک زمانی اور مکانی حالات سے متاثر ہوتے ہیں ۔

ان بابصیرت شخصیات اور مدرسہ عمری کے ان سنجیدہ طلبہ میں سے امارت اسلامیہ کے موجودہ منتخب امیر ملا اختر محمد منصور حفظہ اللہ بھی ہیں جنہوں نے عملی طورپر قیادت کے معاملات عالیقدر امیرالمومنین رحمہ اللہ کی حیات ہی میں شروع کردیےتھے ۔ اور ان کی وفات کے بعد امارت اسلامیہ کے اہل حل والعقد ، معتبر شخصیات ، علماء کرام ، جہادی رہنماوں اور دیگر قومی شخصیات کی جانب سے انہیں نئے امیر کی حیثیت سے منتخب کیا گیا ۔باوجود اس کے کہ امارت اسلامیہ کے نئے امیر جہادی اور تحریکی حلقوں میں جانی پہچانی حیثیت رکھتے ہیں مگرچونکہ امارت اسلامیہ کے تمام مجاہدین اور اسلامی دنیا کے تمام محبان دین کی خواہش اور شوق ہے کہ نئے امیر کی ذات کا مکمل تعارف حاصل کریں اور انہیں پہچان سکیں ۔ اس لیے ان کا تفصیلی تعارف پیش کرنے کے لیے ذیل کی سطور رقم کی جارہی ہیں ۔

پیدائش :

محترم ملا اختر محمد منصور حفظہ اللہ الحاج محمد جان کے صاحبزادے، 1968 میں ان کی پیدائش قندہار ضلع میوند کے بند تیمور گاوں میں ہوئی ۔

چونکہ ان کا خاندان اپنے علاقے کی سطح پر ایک دیندار اور علم دوست گھرانہ تھا اور ان کے والد ایک علم دوست شخص تھے اس لیے منصور صاحب کی صحیح تربیت کے لیے ان کا پہلا انتخاب دینی تعلیم کا حصول تھا۔


جناب منصور صاحب کو سات سال کی عمر میں ان کے والد نے اپنے علاقے کے ایک دینی ادارے میں داخل کروایا ۔ چونکہ بچپن ہی سے ان میں ذکاوت اور سمجھداری کے علامات ظاہر تھے اس لیے اپنے والد کے ساتھ ساتھ دیگر اساتذہ کی جانب سے بھی ان کی خصوصی تربیت کا اہتمام ہونے لگا۔ انہوں نے اپنی بے پایاں علمی قابلیت کے ذریعے کم وقت میں اپنی ابتدائی دینی اور عصری تعلیم کامیابی سے حاصل کی ۔ مزید اعلی تعلیم کے حصول کے لیے بعض مشہور مدارس کا رخ کیا ۔ وہاں بھی اپنی فطری ذکاوت اور نیک اخلاق کے باعث اپنے ہم مکتبوں میں نمایاں قابلیت اور اخلاق کے مالک رہے ۔ وہیں عالیہ سطح کے علوم حاصل کیے ۔

منصور صاحب ابھی علوم کے ابتدائی مراحل میں تھے کہ افغانستان کا سیاسی اقتدار کمیونسٹوں کے ہاتھوں میں چلا گیا اور افغانستان کے مجاہد عوام نے ان کے خلاف اسلامی تحریک کا آغاز کردیا ۔

جہاد اور سیاسی جنگ :

1978ء میں افغانستان پر سوویت یونین کی جارحیت کے بعد افغانستان کے مجاہد عوام نے اس کے خلاف اسلامی تحریک اور جہاد کا آغاز کردیا ۔

سوویت جارحیت کے درمیانے ادوار میں جب ملا اختر محمد منصور صاحب جوان ہوئے اس وقت اپنی دینی تعلیم کی تکمیل کے لیے پھر سے تعلیمی سلسلے سے جڑنا چاہتے تھے، جارح قوت کے خلاف مسلح جہاد کے لیے اپنے جہادی جذبے کی وجہ سے اپنی دینی تعلیم ادھوری چھوڑ دی ۔ مگر علم کا بے پاں شوق ہونے کی وجہ سے جب بھی جہاد سے لوٹتے اپنے خاص اساتذہ سے اپنی بقیہ ماندہ پڑھائی کی تکمیل کرنے لگتے ۔ اسی طرح مضبوط عزم کے ساتھ پڑھائی جاری رکھی اور موقوف علیہ تک پہنچادی ۔ بعدازاں انہوں نے مستقلا میدان جہاد کا انتخاب کیا اور محاذوں پر رہنے لگے ۔

محترم منصور صاحب نے اس وقت تک اپنی زندگی کے دو ہی عشرے پورے کیے تھے ۔ انہوں نے ایک بہادر اور غیور مجاہد کی حیثیت سے شعوری طورپر اپنے دین اور ملک کے دفاع کی خاطر جارحیت پسندوں اور داخلی کمیونسٹوں کے خلاف مسلح جہاد کا آغاز کردیا ۔

انہوں نے 1985 میں جہادی کارروائی کے لیے قندہار کے مشہور جہادی کمانڈر قاری عزیز اللہ شہید کے محاذ سے اپنی جہادی زندگی کا آغاز کیا ۔ ضلع پنجوائی کے علاقے پاشمول میں افغانستان کی سطح پرمشہور جہادی شخصیت الحاج ملا محمد حسن اخوند کی سرپرستی میں سوویت جارحیت پسندوں اور ان کے کٹھ پتلیوں کے خلاف جہادی کارروائیاں کیں ۔ قاری عزیز اللہ صاحب شہید رحمہ اللہ کا محاذ مولوی محمدنبی محمدی مرحوم کی تنظیم حرکت انقلاب اسلامی سے ملحق تھا ۔ قاری عزیزاللہ کی شہادت کے بعد کمانڈر حاجی محمد اخند کی قیادت میں جہادی شخصیت مولوی محمد یونس خالص کی تنظیم اسلامی حزب میں انہیں ذمہ داری دی گئی ۔

منصور صاحب نے قندہار میں سوویت یونین جارحیت پسندوں اور ان کے داخلی حامیوں کے خلاف بہت سی فوجی کارروائیوں میں فعال حصہ لیا ۔ 1987 میں قندہارضلع پنجوائی کے علاقے سنزری میں روسیوں کے ایک سٹریٹجک مرکز پر براہ راست حملے کے دوران ایسے زخمی ہوئے کہ ان کے جسم پر تیرہ زخم آئے مگر اللہ تعالی نے انہیں شفا دے دی ۔ دوسری بار 1997ء میں مئی کے مہینے میں امارت اسلامیہ کی حکومت میں مزارشریف کے ہوائی اڈے میں زخمی ہوگئے اور اسی زخمی حالت میں مخالفین کے ہاتھوں اسیر بھی ہوگئے ۔

تحریک اسلامی طالبان میں بنیادی کردار:

1992ء میں افغانستان میں کمیونسٹ نظام کے خاتمے اور داخلی جنگوں کے آغاز کے بعد جناب منصور صاحب اور ان کے محاذ کے دیگر مخلص مجاہدین نے اسلحہ رکھ دیا اور اقتدار کی خاطر شروع ہونے والی جنگ میں کسی کا ساتھ نہیں دیا ۔

منصور صاحب جو اس وقت ایک نامور مجاہد بن چکے تھے اور مجاہدین کے درمیان اچھی شہرت رکھتے تھے انہوں نے ملامحمد رباني ، شهید حاجي ملامحمد،او شهید ملا بورجان رحمھم اللہ کی طرح جنگی مصروفیات ترک کردیں اور کچھ تعلیمی اور تربیتی امور میں مصروف ہوگئے ۔

1994 میں امیرالمومنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ کی جانب سے طالبان کے نام سے اسلامی تحریک کا آغاز ہوا تو انہوں نے اسے آگے بڑھانے میں محوری کردار ادا کیا ۔

ان کی انتظامی اور جہادی صلاحیتوں کے باعث طالبان تحریک کے سربراہ کی جانب سے انہیں اہم ذمہ داریاں سونپی گئیں جن میں سے کچھ درجہ ذیل ہیں :

1۔ جنوب مغربی زون میں اسلامی تحریک طالبان کی کامیابی اور قندہار پر قبضہ کے بعد امیرالمومنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ کی جانب سے ان پر بے پناہ اعتماد کے باعث انہیں قندہارائیرپورٹ کا مرکزی سربراہ متعین کیا گیا ۔

2۔ طالبان کے ہاتھوں قندہار کی فتح کے بعد قندہار فضائی افواج اور فضائی دفاع کی ذمہ داری انہیں دی گئی ۔

3۔ 1996 میں دارالحکومت کابل پر قبضے کے بعد انہیں فضائیہ اور سیاحت کا وزیر بنایا گیا ۔

4۔ وزارت کے دوران ہی امیرالمومنین مرحوم کی خصوصی ہدایات اور حکم پر وزارت دفاع سے منسلک فضائی دفاع کی مرکزی کمانڈ بھی انہیں دے دی گئی ۔ افغانستان فضائی سفر اور سیاحت کے شعبے میں انہوں نے بہت سی تبدیلیاں اور اصلاحات کیں جن میں کچھ باتوں کا تذکرہ مختصر طورپر یہاں کریں گے ۔

کابل کی فتح کے وقت اس شہر میں خانہ جنگی کے باعث فضائیہ کا نظام درہم برہم ہوچکا تھا ۔ فضائیہ کے تمام املاک تباہ ہوچکے تھے ۔ محترم منصور صاحب نے اپنی تعمیرنو کی پالیسی کے تحت اس شعبے سے منسلک تمام تباہ شدہ املاک ، ائیرپورٹوں اور طیاروں کو پھر سے ٹھیک کروایا

یہ وہ وقت تھاجب امارت اسلامیہ شدید اقتصادی مشکلات اور عالمی پابندیوں کا شکار تھی ۔ مگر منصور صاحب نے انہیں نامناسب اقتصادی حالات میں پہلے کابل کا بین الاقوامی ہوائی اڈہ اور اس سے ملحق تمام تنصیبات کی ازسرنو تعمیر کی اور پھر آریانا ائیر لائن اندرونی وبیرونی سفروں کے لیے عالمی معیار کے مطابق درست کردی ۔

اس کے بعد قندہار ، ننگرہار ، مزارشریف اور قندوز کے فضائی اڈے ہر طرح کی عوامی اور فوجی پروازوں کے لیے تیار کرکے مختلف جدید وسائل سے مزین کردیے ۔

امارت اسلامیہ کی عسکری اور عوامی شعبوں میں مختلف ترقیاتی اور فلاحی خدمات کے ساتھ ساتھ ان کا سب سے بڑا کارنامہ یہ تھا کہ افغانستان کا بڑا قومی سرمایہ یعنی فضائی قوت اور اس سے متعلق طیارے اور تباہ شدہ فضائی اڈے پھر سے تعمیر کیے ۔

طیاروں اور ہوائی میدانوں کی تعمیر نو کے علاوہ اندرون افغانستان میں چوبیس گھنٹے اندرونی پروازوں کی سہولت مہیا کرنے کے علاوہ سالوں بعد پہلی بار ہزاروں افغان حاجیوں کے لیے آریانہ ائیر لائن کے ذریعے سفر کی سہولتیں مہیا کیں ۔

افغانستان جو کبھی عالمی سطح پر انتہائی ترقی یافتہ فضائی دفاعی قوت رکھتا تھا روسی جارحیت اور تنظیمی جھگڑوں کی وجہ سے تقریبا سارا کہ سارا تباہ ہوکر ناکارہ ہوچکا تھا ۔ یہاں تک کہ کچھ طیارے پرزوں میں بٹ کر سکریپ میں بیچ دیے گئےتھے، مگر منصور صاحب نے دن رات کوششیں کرکے ان ناکارہ طیاروں کو پھر سے کار آمد بنایا ۔

محترم ملا اختر محمد منصور حفظہ اللہ نے امارت اسلامیہ کے دور حکومت کے پورے عرصے میں افغانستان کی فضائی پروازوں کو احیاء اور ترقی دینے کےلیے بہت کوششیں کیں ۔

یہاں مشت نمونہ از خروارے کے طورپر اس کا مختصر تذکرہ کریں گے ۔

جناب منصور صاحب نے فضائیہ کا معیار بہتر بنانے اور دیگر ممالک کے ٹرانزیٹ پروازوں کو جو افغانستان کے حدود سے گذرتے تھے کابل ، قندہار ، ننگرہار ، مزار اور ہرات کے ہوائی اڈوں میں ویسٹ دستگاہ کی سہولتیں مہیاکیں ۔ جو اب بھی دیکھنے والے دیکھ سکتے ہیں ۔ اس دور میں ان ہوائی اڈوں سے ٹیکس کی مد میں ملینوں ڈالر آمدنی ہوتی تھی جو اب بھی جاری ہے ۔ اس دور میں سیول افغان فضائیہ اور ائیرفورس کے 44 مختلف ٹرانسپورٹ اور جنگی طیارے جو خانہ جنگیوں میں تباہ ہوکر ناکارہ ہوگئے تھے ۔ انہوں نے ان تباہ شدہ طیاروں کی از سرنو درستگی اور انہیں پرواز کے قابل بنایا جس کی مختصر تفصیل کچھ یوں ہے :

وہ 44 مختلف النوع طیارے جو منصور صاحب کی وزارت کے دور میں از سرنو بنائے گئے وہ حسب ذیل ہیں ۔

ٹرانسپورٹ طیارے :

تین عدد این 12،چار عدد این 32، دو عدد این 26

جنگی طیارے :

آٹھ عدد جیٹ میگ 21، تین عدد جیٹ سوM420، پانچ عدد جیٹ سو 22

ہیلی کاپٹر:

چھ عدد می8، آٹھ عدد می 35، پانچ عدد ایل 39

اس کے علاوہ عوامی ٹرانسپورٹ کے لیے ایک روسی ساختہ ماڈل 41 اور ایک این24 اور افغان آریانہ ائیرلائن کمپنی کا ایک امریکی بوئنگ طیارہ بھی اس دور میں بیرون ملک میں ٹھیک کرواکر قابل استعمال بنایا گیا ۔

اسی طرح 5 روسی ساختہ ٹرانسپورٹ طیارے آزاد بازار میں خریدے گئے ۔ ان تمام ریپئر شدہ یا خریدے گئے طیاروں کے علاوہ افغانستان میں درجنوں کی تعداد میں صحیح سالم جنگی ، ٹرانسپورٹ طیارے اور ہیلی کاپٹر بھی تھے جو ایک مکمل فضائی قوت تشکیل دے رہے تھے ۔ اس کی کارکردگی کا بہترین مظاہرہ قندوز اور دیگر دورافتادہ علاقوں میں مجاہدین کے محاصرے اور دورافتادہ محاذوں اور خطوں کو مسلسل فضائی کمک پہنچانے کی صورت میں دیکھنے میں آیا ۔اس کے علاوہ ملک کے اندر اور بیرون ملک منظم طریقے سے مسافروں کی منتقلی کا بہترین انتظام بھی تھا۔ مگر امریکی جارحیت اور ہوائی اڈوں کو بمباری کا نشانہ بنانے کی وجہ سے یہ قومی ملکیت مکمل طورپر تباہ ہوگئی ۔

ملا اختر محمد منصور صاحب حفظہ اللہ امارت اسلامیہ کے دور حکومت میں جنرل مالک کی غداری کی وجہ سے شمال میں 6 ماہ تک قید بھی رہے ۔ مگر اللہ تعالی کے فضل سے اس وقت واپس رہا ہوئے جب جنرل مالک جنرل دوستم کے حملے سے خوف زدہ ہوکر فاریاب سے بھاگ گیا ۔ اس طرح وہاں کی جیلوں سے قیدیوں کو نکلنے کا راستہ ملا ۔

امریکی جارحیت کے خلاف مسلح مزاحمت:

7اکتوبر 2001 کو افغانستان پر امریکی جارحیت کے بعد منصور صاحب نے ان کے خلاف مسلح جہاد بھی شروع کردیا ۔ محترم منصور صاحب کے لیے ان کی جہادی زندگی میں یہ مرحلہ انتہائی شدید آزمائشوں اور چیلنجوں سے بھرا تھا۔

انہیں امیرالمومنین رحمہ اللہ کی جانب سے امارت اسلامیہ کی رہبری شوری کی رکنیت کے علاوہ صوبہ قندہار کی جہادی ذمہ داری بھی دی گئی ۔

اس وقت افغانستان کے دیگر صوبوں کی طرح قندہار کو امریکا کے خلاف جہاد کے لیے ایک مضبوط کمانڈر کی ضرورت تھی ۔ کیوں کہ مجاہدین کے خلاف جنوب مغربی خطے کے تمام جنگی منصوبے اسی صوبے سے طے کیے جاتے تھے ۔

یہی وجہ تھی کہ ہلمند کے بعد پورے زون کی سطح پر قندہار میں سب سے زیادہ امریکی ، کینیڈین اور دیگر فوجی تعینات تھے ۔ بگرام کے بعد سب سے بڑا مرکزی اڈہ انہوں نے قندہار ائیرپورٹ میں قائم کیا ۔

منصور صاحب نے اپنی جہادی بصیرت سے قندہار میں موجود جارحیت پسندوں کے خلاف ایسے منصوبے تشکیل دیے جن کی روک تھام میں اپنے دور کے معروف ترین فوجی جرنیل اور عسکری ماہرین ناکام رہے ۔

انہوں نے اپنی جہادی مہارتوں اور تخلیقی صلاحیتوں کا استعمال کرتےہوئے نئے تیکنیک آزمائے ۔ پڑوس کے صوبوں کے جہادی ذمہ داران کے ساتھ مشاورت کے بعد قندہار سے نکل کر انہوں نے پورے جنوب مغربی حصے کی سطح پر پلان مرتب کرنے شروع کردیے ۔ قندہار کے علاوہ پڑوس کے صوبوں اروزگان ، زابل اور ہلمند میں صلیبی جارحیت پسندوں پر ہلاکت خیز حملے کیے ۔

سال 2003 اور 2008 میں قندہار کا مرکزی جیل دو مرتبہ خلاف توڑ دیا گیا اور دونوں مرتبہ 15 ، 15 سو کے قریب قیدی مجاہدین جیل سے رہائی پاگئے ۔ یہ دونوں واقعات منصور صاحب کے دور میں ہوئے ۔

بطور نائب امارت اسلامیہ :

2007 میں امارت اسلامیہ کے سابق نائب امیر ملا عبیداللہ اخوندگرفتار ہوگئے تو عالیقدر امیرالمومنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد نے اختر محمد منصور حفظہ اللہ کو امارت اسلامیہ کے دوسرے معاون ملا برادر اخوند کے ساتھ امارت اسلامیہ کا دوسرا نائب مقرر کیا اور یہ ہدایت بھی کی کہ قندہار بہت اہم ہے اس صوبے کے گورنر بھی رہنا اور دونوں ذمہ داریاں نبھاتے رہنا ۔

2010 میں اس وقت جب امارت اسلامیہ کے ایک سیکرٹری الحاج ملاعبید اللہ اخوند کو پاکستان کی جیل میں شہید کردیا گیا ایک اوردوسرے سیکرٹری ملا عبدالغنی برادر کو امریکی اور پاکستانی فوجیوں کی مشترکہ کارروائی میں پاکستان کے شہرکراچی میں گرفتار کرلیا گیا ۔ توامیر المومنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد نے محترم منصورصاحب کو نائب و سیکرٹری اور ا مارت اسلامیہ کے تمام امور میں مرکزی مسئول کے طور پر انہیں منتخب کیا۔

یہ وہ وقت تھا جب اوباما کی جانب سے افغانستان میں مزید 30ہزار فوجیوں کا اضافہ کیا گیا اور افغانستان میں جہادی مزاحمت کو شدید مشکلات پیش آنے لگیں ۔

اسی لیے جارحیت پسندوں کی ایک لاکھ سے زائد فوج جدید ترین وسائل سے لیس 3لاکھ 35ہزار داخلی فوجیوں کی آڑ لے کر مجاہدین کے خلاف ملک کے کونے کونے میں جنگ میں مصروف تھی ۔ ایک جانب انتہائی حساس سیکیورٹی حالات کے باعث اس مزاحمتی تحریک کی قیادت کے لیے امیرالمومنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ کا منظر عام پر آنا مشکل تھا تو دوسری جانب جہادی محاذ پر عسکری اور انتظامی قیادت کی خلا تھی جس کی وجہ سے جنگ میں دشمن کا پلڑا بھاری ہونے لگا تھا۔

مجاہدین پر فوجی دباو کے ساتھ ساتھ سیاسی اور پروپیگنڈا پریشر بھی بڑھ رہا تھا۔ محاذوں پربہت سے مجاہدین شہید ہوچکے تھے اور بہت سے رہنما گرفتار ہوچکے تھے ۔

اس طرح کے حساس ترین حالات میں امیرالمومنین رحمہ اللہ کی جانب سے صلیبی جارحیت پسندوں کے خلاف مجاہدین کو سنبھالادینےکی ذمہ داری محترم منصور صاحب کو دی گئی۔ یہاں تک کہ ان کا کوئی معاون یا نائب تک ان کے لیے مقرر نہیں کیا گیا ۔ محترم منصور صاحب نے عملا اللہ تعالی کی نصرت اور رہبری شوری کے تعاون سے جنگ کے اس شدید ترین وقت میں مجاہدین کی ایسی قیادت کی کہ انہیں کسی طرح کی عملی قیادت کی کمی کا احساس نہ ہوا۔

یہی وجہ تھی کہ 2010 کا سال دشمن کے اپنے اعتراف کے مطابق ان کے لیے سب سے خونی سال رہاجبکہ مجاہدین نے تمام ادوار میں سب سے زیادہ کاری حملے دشمن پر اسی سال کیے ۔ جس میں دشمن کے اعتراف کے مطابق 770 فوجی ہلاک ہوگئے ۔

اسی طرح مجاہدین نے منصور صاحب کی قیادت میں بہت سے علاقے فتح کیے اور وہاں منظم اسلامی حکومت قائم کی ۔

امیرالمؤمنین ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ کی وفات کےبعد:

23 اپریل 2013 کو جب امیرالمومنین رحمہ اللہ کا انتقال ہوا تو امارت اسلامیہ کی رہبری شوری کے کئی ارکان ، جید علماء کرام ، گذشتہ چودہ سالوں میں ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ کے خصوصی قاصد اور ان کے دائمی ساتھی جو ان کی وفات تک ان کے ساتھ رہے سب نے منصور صاحب کی ہاتھ پر بیعت کردی اور انہیں امارت اسلامیہ کے امیر کی حیثیت سے متعین کردیا ۔

2013 صلیبی جارحیت پسندوں اور ان کے خلاف لڑنے والے مجاہدین کے درمیان مقابلے اور زور آزمائی کا آخری سال تھا۔ اس لیےامارت اسلامیہ کی رہبری شوری ، اہم ترین قیادت اور چند شیوخ اور اکابر علماء نے یہ فیصلہ کیا کہ اب صلیبی جارحیت کے خلاف جنگ کے آخری مراحل ہیں اور 2014 میں مستقبل کا فیصلہ ہونے والا ہے ۔ دشمن نے خود اپنے فوجوں کی پسپائی کے لیے 2014 کے سال کا تعین کیا ہے۔ اور یہ سال ابھی آنے والا ہے اس لیے جہادی مصلحت اور علماء کی حمایت کے مطابق یہ ٹھیک ہوگا کہ مرحوم امیرالمومنین کی وفات کی خبر ان معدودے چند افراد تک محدود رہے ۔

یہی وجہ تھی کہ یہ بنیادی راز بہت معجزانہ طریقے سے مخصوص جہادی مصالح کی بنیاد پر 30جولائی 2015 تک محفوظ رکھا گیا۔

امارت اسلامیہ کے منتخب امیر کی حیثیت سے :

14شوال المکرم 1436ھ بمطابق 30جولائی 2015 کو جب امیرالمومنین رحمہ اللہ کی وفات کاباقاعدہ اعلان کیا گیا منصور صاحب نے مزید اطمینان کی خاطر رہبری شوری کےارکان اور علماء کرام کو اپنے مستقبل کے فیصلے کا اختیار دیدیا ۔ اور ان سے کہا کہ تم لوگ جس شخص کو منتخب کروگے میں اسی پر راضی اور متفق ہوں ۔

بعد ازاں امارت اسلامیہ کی رہبری شوری کے ارکان ، مشائخ اور مشہور علماء کرام کے ایک اجتماع نے جسے اہل الحل والعقد کا اعتبار حاصل تھا ، اجتماع میں منصور صاحب کی عدم موجودگی میں طویل بحث وتمحیص کی،مختلف مصلحتوں کو سامنے رکھتے ہوئے مشاورت کی اور اس کے بعد امارت اسلامیہ کے نئے امیر کی حیثیت سے ان کا انتخاب کیا ۔

امارت اسلامیہ کے امیر کی حیثیت سے محترم ملا اختر محمد منصور صاحب حفظہ اللہ کے انتخاب کے بعد رہبری شوری کے ارکان ، امارت اسلامیہ کے تمام کمیشن کے سربراہان ، عدالتوں کے مرکزی ذمہ داران ، عسکری کمانڈروں اور افغانستان کے 34 صوبوں کے صوبائی رہنماوں ، عسکری کمیشن کے ذمہ داران ، ملک کی علمی ، قومی ، جہادی ، سیاسی اور ثقافتی شخصیات اور امارت اسلامیہ کے تمام مسلح مجاہدین نے بیک آواز نئے امیر سے بیعت کا اعلان کردیا ۔ ان تمام عسکری اور عوامی حلقوں اور ملک کی بڑی شخصیات نے اپنی بیعتیں صوتی پیغامات اور کتابت کی صورت میں ، امارت اسلامیہ افغانستان کے شعبہ نشریات کو بھیج دیں ۔

نئے امیر کی حیثیت سے تقررشریعت کی نگاہ میں :

علماء کرام اور سیاسی ماہرین نے اسلام میں نئے امیر کےلیے سب سے بہتر طریقہ علماء اور شوری اہل حل والعقد کی جانب سے انتخاب کو قرار دیا ہے ۔ اہل حل والعقد کا اطلاق اس گروپ پر ہوتا ہے جو علم ، تجربے اور سمجھداری رکھنے والے افراد پر مشتمل ہواور کم از کم ایک شوری کا اطلاق اس پر ہوتا ہو ۔

خلفاء راشدین کے انتخاب کے مختلف طریقوں سے جو عمومی طریقہ مستنبط کیا گیا ہے وہ یہی شوری کی جانب سے امیر کے انتخاب کے تین مراحل ہیں۔ پہلا مرحلہ ترشیح ، دوسرا انتخاب اور تیسرا بیعت کا ہے ۔

ترشیح یا قیادت کے لیے منتخب ہونا خود اس شخص کی جانب سے نہیں ہوتا جو زعیم مقرر ہورہا ہے کیوں کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا فرمان ہے إنا والله لا نولي هذا العمل أحدا سألة , أو أحدا حرص عليه
)متفق عليه ) (اخرجه البخارى (7149 ) ومسلم ( 1733 )

ترجمہ :واللہ ہم اس شخص کو اس قیادت کے لیے نہیں چنیں گے جو خود اسے چاہے یا اس کا حرص کرے ۔

اس لیے ترشیح دوسروں کی جانب سے ہوتی ہے یا ایک آدمی کی جانب سے جیسے حضرت عمر فاروق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ نے حضرت ابوبکر صدیق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ کا ہاتھ پکڑا اور بیعت کے لیے انہیں آگے کردیا اور پھر صحابہ کرام نے امام کے طورپر ان کا انتخاب کیا ۔ یا یہ انتخاب بہت سے لوگوں کا ہوگا ۔ جس طرح حضرت عمر فاروق رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ نے شہادت سے قبل کئی صحابہ کانام لیا خلافت کے لیے ، ان کے درمیان سے حضرت عثمان غنی رضی اللہ خلیفہ بنے ۔ ملا اختر محمد منصور صاحب نے کبھی بھی خود کوامارت کے لیے پیش نہیں کیا ۔ پہلے اجلاس میں بھی ان کا نام امیر کے لیے منتخب ہوگیا تھا دوسرے اجتماع میں انہوں پھر سے صراحتا شوری سے کہا کہ میں قیادت کا طالب نہیں ہوں بلکہ ایک خادم کی حیثیت سے خدمت کرنا چاہتا ہوں ۔ مگر شوری نے صرف انہیں ہی واحد اہل فرد کے طورپر منتخب کیا ۔ طویل بحث اور غور کے بعد اسی شوری کی جانب سے جو علماء کرام ، شیوخ اور امارت اسلامیہ کے رہبری شوری کے ارکان پر مشتمل تھا جو سب کے سب علمی اور جہادی تجربات رکھنے والے لوگ ہیں ان سب کی جانب سے ان کا زعیم کی حثیت سے انتخاب کیا گیا اور شوری کے تمام ارکان نے ان سے بیعت کی ۔ بعد ازاں دیگر ذمہ داران ، عام مجاہدین اور مسلمانوں نے ان سے بیعت کا سلسلہ شروع کردیا ۔

اس طرح ہم کہ سکتے ہیں کہ ان کا انتخاب مکمل طورپر شرعی طریقے سے کیا گیا ہے ۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ ملک کے طول وعرض میں لاکھوں افراد کے علاوہ سینکڑوں قرآن وحدیث کے مشائخ نے ان کی زعامت قبول کی ۔ اسے شرعی قرار دیا اور ان سے بیعت کی ۔

قائدانہ شخصیت:

امارت اسلامیہ افغانستان کے نئے زعیم امیرالمومنین ملا اختر محمد منصور امارت اسلامیہ کے تاسیسی ارکان میں سے انتہائی مدبر ، موثر اور مضبوط قوت رکھنے والے فرد سمجھے جاتے ہیں ۔

انہیں وہبی طریقے سے قیادت اور رہنمائی کی خصوصی صفات اور خصوصیات سے نوازا گیا ہے ۔ تقوی ، اخلاص ، جہادی بصیرت ، سیاسی درایت اور کاموں کو عملی طورپر نظم وضبط دینا ان کے کام کی خصوصیات ہیں ۔

محترم ملا اختر محمد منصور صاحب امارت اسلامیہ کے تمام جہادی فعالیتوں کی تنفیذ میں اپنے جہادی رہنما ملا محمد عمر مجاہد رحمہ اللہ کے نقش قدم پر چل رہے ہیں ۔ جہادی اہداف کا حصول ، خارجی جارحیت پسندوں سے ملک کی آزادی ، ملک میں شرعی نظام کی مضبوطی ان کے جہاد کے بنیادی مقاصد ہیں ۔ وامرھم شوری بینھم پر عمل کرتے ہوئے اپنے ساتھیوں کے مثبت مشورے غور سے سنتے ہیں ۔ کام اہل کار لوگوں کو سونپتے ہیں ۔ اور ذمہ داری دینے کے بعد ان پر بھرپور اعتماد کرتے ہیں ۔ ذمہ دار افراد کو ہمیشہ عوام پررحم اور ان سے ہمدردی کی تلقین کرتے ہیں ۔

اس بات پر زیادہ توجہ دیتے ہیں کہ امارت اسلامیہ تمام افغانوں کا مشترکہ گھر ہے اس لیے سب کو اسی طرح یہاں رہنا ہوگا۔

فکری ومذہبی خیالات :

محترم ملا اختر محمد منصور صاحب مذہبی لحاظ سے اہل سنت والجماعت کے پیروکار اور امام اعظم ابوحنیفہ رحمہ اللہ کے مذہب کے مقلد ہیں ۔

حالات اور سیاسی پیچیدگیوں کی نزاکت سے بخوبی واقف ہیں ۔

ان سے ملنے کے بعد ہی ان کی سنجیدگی ، وقار اور متانت کا صحیح ادراک ہوسکتا ہے ۔ سادگی اور بے تکلفی ان کی زندگی کا خاص حصہ ہے۔

رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم اور خلفاء راشدین کی سیرت اور مطالعے سے خاص دلچسپی رکھتے ہیں ۔ مجاہدین سے مل کر ان سے دشمن سے آمنے سامنے کی جنگ کے متعلق حالات پوچھتے ہیں ۔

اپنی تمام تر جہادی اور انتظامی مصروفیات سنبھالنے کے ساتھ ساتھ میڈیا پر گہری نظر رکھتے ہیں ۔ جہادی لکھارریوں اور امارت اسلامیہ کے فرہنگی اور نشریاتی کارکنوں کو ان کی نشریات اور تحریروں کے حوالے سے خصوصی مشاورت اور احکام دیتے ہیں ۔

روزانہ کی مصروفیات اور زندگی کی چند خاص خصوصیات:

محترم منصور صاحب اپنی روز مرہ زندگی کا آغاز قرآن کریم کی تلاوت سے کرتے ہیں ۔ جہادی محاذوں اور عسکری ذمہ داران سے ہمیشہ رابطے میں رہتے ہیں ۔ دشمن پر ہونے والے حملے کا پلان خود اپنی نظر سے گذارتے ہیں ۔ جہادی حکام کو عوام کے جان ومال کے تحفظ کی تلقین اور حکم کرتے ہیں ۔ وہ ایک فوجی کمانڈر کی طرح اپنے جہادی ساتھیوں ، محاذ کے مجاہدین سے احترام اور ہمدردی کا سلوک کرتے ہیں ۔ مجلس میں علماء ، اساتذہ اور بڑوں کی بات چیت کا خاص احترام رکھتے ہیں ۔ سیاسی امور میں بہت احتیاط سے کام لیتے ہیں اور اس حوالے سے اہل رائے ساتھیوں سے رائے ضرور لیتے ہیں ۔

رائفل سے نشانہ بازی انہیں پسند ہے ۔ جہادی مشق کی پابندی کو سب سے مناسب ورزش قرار دیتے ہیں ۔

خود بہت کم بولتے ہیں دوسروں کی زیادہ سنتے ہیں ۔ صاف اور کھلے کپڑے پہنتے ہیں ۔ خوراک ، پوشاک اور زندگی کی دیگر ضروریات میں اسراف سے نفرت کرتے ہیں ۔ ان کی زندگی کا سب سے بنیادی مشغلہ جہادی امور کی تنظیم اور ان کی مسلسل نگرانی ہے ۔ اسی تنظیم سازی اور نگرانی میں دن گذارتے ہیں ۔

posted from Bloggeroid

Hezbollah militia and the Assad regime forces begin escaping from al-Fouah in rural Idlib

Especial sources in the " Conquest Army Operations Room" confirmed to ElDorar network that the rebels killed and wounded dozens of Lebanese Hezbollah militia and the Assad regime while trying to escape shortly before now in the vicinity of al-Fouah in the countryside of Idlib.
The sources confirmed that the Conquest Army fighters have consolidated their control over several points in Alswageh area an entrances to the town of al-Fouah, prompting subsidiary groups for those militias to try to escape under cover of darkness, where they being targeted by the rebels, and fell dead and prisoners, amid continued shelling and heavy guns on those militias sites in conjunction with the progress of operations.
The reporter of ElDorar confirmed earlier about reinforcements to the Conquest Army of new factions represented in the al-Haq Brigade, and Ajnad al-Sham, al-Sham Corps, and the Army of the Sunni to participate in those battles as well as Ahrar al-Sham Islamic movement.
al-Fouah battles 

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جیش الفتح مجاھدین نے فوعا میں الصواغیہ کا علاقہ فتح کر لیا-

زابدانی اور کفریا و فوعا کے علاقوں میں جنگ بندی ختم ہونے کے بعد مجاھدین نے فوعا میں الصواغیہ کا علاقہ شدید لڑائی کا بعد شیعوں سے آذاد کروا لیا-
مجاھد عالم شیخ عبداللہ المحسینی نے ویڈیو بیان میں کہا کہ ہم نے ایران سے کہا کہ ہم کفریا اور فوعا کے محصورہ علاقوں میں شیعہ عورتوں اور بچوں کو نکلنے دیں گے اگر بشار کی جیلوں میں قید 1000 خواتین کو رھا کیا جائے گا- لیکن ایران نے ایسا کرنے سے انکار کر دیا جس کے بعد جنگ بندی ختم ہو گئی اور جیش الفتح مجاھدین نے ایک ہی دن میں فوعا اور کفریا پہ 1000 راکٹ فائر کئے- اور کے بعد جیش الفتح نے حملہ کر کے 8 گھنٹے کی شدید لڑائی کے بعد الصواغیہ کا اہم علاقہ فتح کر لیا-
الصواغیہ کا نقشہ ملاحضہ ہو-

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Introduction of the newly appointed leader of Islamic Emirate, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad (Mansur), may Allah safeguard him)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)

الحمد لله رب العالمین ، والعاقبة للمتقین ، والصلاة والسلام علی سید الانبیاء والمرسلین ، قائد المجاهدین نبینا ومولانا محمد علیه افضل الصلوات والتسلیم وعلی آله وأصحابه ومن اهتدی بهدیه اجمعین وبعد.

The prominent figureheads of Jihad generally possess distinct leadership qualities. They are usually either naturally gifted with these capabilities or they master them through learning and studying other Jihadi leaders. Due to their deep sincerity and devotion, these Jihadi leaders are granted with exceptional divine generosity, support and benevolence as Almighty Allah says:

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)

Translation: (And as for those who strive to meet Us – We will surely guide them in Our ways. And verily, ALLAH is with those who do good.) [Al-Ankaboot:69]

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is considered an impregnable front of Jihad and struggle against international infidelity and tyranny whose founding founders are by the grace of Almighty Allah bequeathed with extraordinary proficiency and skills as leaders and guides.

The founder of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan himself, the late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was a living anthology of such leadership qualities. Amidst the battlefield of Jihad and combating international infidelity, he successfully managed to transfer these lofty aptitudes of Muslim leadership qualities to several of his Mujahidin brothers who were his intimate colleagues, struggling together in the thorny path of establishing the sacred and sovereign system of Allah, the Almighty.

His Excellency, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was the spiritual and moral guide of new students of the Jihadi madrassa [Mujahidin] as well as being their military leader. The Umari Jihadi Madrassa trained and graduated many high caliber personalities during his lifetime and under his leadership, each one perfectly capable of guiding the Muslim masses in the most critical junctures of this era.

It is established religious foundations rather than particular personalities which play a pivotal role in ideological and Jihadi movements. Everything here is organized on the basis of Jihad and ideology. Teachings of the Holy Quran and noble deeds of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with all of them) are the role models for the followers of these movements.

The core responsibility of the leadership in such ideological movements is merely to educate its members and followers both morally and ideologically and to impart them with spiritual passion and commitment.

Upon founding the Taliban Islamic Movement and establishment of the Islamic Emirate, his Excellency late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) mentored for future leadership several Mujahidin who displayed foresight and leadership traits, capable of leading this Jihadi caravan to its goal and destination even in the most critical circumstances of Jihad and persistent struggle. Such fearless and courageous personalities who were undaunted by the most difficult of conditions nor influenced by dangerous temporal or spatial circumstances.

Among these foresighted vigilant personalities and pupils of the enduring Umari Madrassa is the newly selected leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur (may Allah safeguard him) who practically handled leadership affairs of the Islamic Emirate during the lifetime of late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) and was appointed as the new head (leader) of the Islamic Emirate by Ahl hal wal Aqd dignitaries of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars, Jihadi leaders and various other public figures after the announcement of his (RA) passing away.

Although the new leader of the Islamic Emirate is a well-recognized figure in all Jihadi spheres whoever to better acquaint his Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur to all the Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate and the general masses of the Muslim world having affection with the Islamic Emirate, it is deemed appropriate to write down a few lines about his life and personality.

His birth:

His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur s/o Alhaj Mohammad Jan was born in 1347 Hijri (solar) – 1968 Gregorian in Band-i-Taimoor village of Maiwand district in Kandahar province.

As his family was well-known in the area for their affection for religion and learning and his father particularly held deep love for knowledge therefore his top priority for the healthy upbringing of his son was religious education.

Early Education:

His Excellency Mansur Sahib, under the guidance of his father assumed his religious education in the village mosque and joined the local primary school for his early studies at the age of seven. As he showed signs of wisdom, acumen and insight in his early childhood, he received special care and attention from his father as well as all his teachers.

Due to his deep love for learning, he successfully completed his early education in a considerably short period of time. He left his home in pursuit of secondary education, joining various bigger distinguished madrassas where he completed his studies all the while earning a reputation as an intelligent and honest pupil among his contemporaries due to his innate acumen and excellent Islamic ethics.

He had not yet begun his higher education when the political control of Afghanistan fell to the Communists and the Afghan Mujahid nation rose up and began their Islamic revolution against them.

His Jihadi and political struggle:

Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1978, the Afghan Mujahid masses began their Islamic resistance (Jihad) against them.

His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur, who was now in his mid-teen years and had intended to complete his religious education left them unfinished and began waging armed Jihad in the middle years of the Russian occupation due his Jihadi passion.

But due to his deep love for learning, he would continue his studies under the supervision of his benevolent teachers upon returning from Jihadi fronts. It was with this sheer resolve that he completed his second to last year of studies and before beginning the final year studies, he left for the frontlines once and for all.

His Excellency Mansur Sahib who had just entered his early twenties was a strong and courageous young man who had purposely assumed armed Jihad as a valiant Mujahid to defend his creed and country against the invading Soviets and their internal stooge communists.

In 1985 he chose his Jihadi front in Kandahar by joining the famous Jihadi group of late commander Qari Azizullah and continued his Jihad against the occupying (former) Soviet forces and their internal communist puppets in Pashmul area of Panjwai district under the supervision of a well-known Jihadi figure Alhaj Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhond, who would later be selected as deputy head of the ministerial council during the rule of the Islamic Emirate. The Jihadi group of late Qari Azizullah was associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Movement of eminent Jihadi leader late Moulavi Mohammad Nabi Muhammadi. After the martyrdom of Qari Azizullah, this group was linked under the leadership of Commander Mullah Haji Mohammad with the Islamic Party of prominent Jihadi leader Moulavi Mohmmad Younun Khalis.

His Excellency, Mansur Sahib actively participated in various military operations against the former Soviet occupying forces and their internal stooges. In 1987, during a direct assault on a strategic Russian military post in Sanzary area of Panjwai district in Kandahar, he was injured with thirteen wounds on his body and later recovered by the grace of Almighty Allah. He was injured for a second time in May 1997 at Mazar-i-Sharif airport during the reign of the Islamic Emirate and subsequently captured by the opponent forces.

His foundational role in the Islamic Movement of Taliban:

After the collapse of communist regime inside Afghanistan and the outbreak of civil war in 1992, Mansur Sahib laid down his arms just like all the sincere Mujahidin and did not support any party in the illegitimate war for power.

His Excellency Mansur Sahib, who was a renowned Mujahid at the time, abandoned all factional activities resembling other well-known local Jihadi and military personalities like the late Mullah Mohammad Rabbani, late Haji Mullah Mohammad and late Mullah Bor Jan. He started living an ordinary life and began engaging in various educational and training activities.

In 1994 when the Islamic Movement of Taliban was founded by His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace), Mansur Sahib played a crucial role in the organization and development of this movement. Due to his Jihadi and administrative proficiencies, he was tasked major responsibilities by the then head of the Islamic Movement of Taliban which are as following:

After the conquest of Kandahar province and subsequent successes of Taliban Islamic Movement in south western zone, His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the director general of Kandahar Airport due to the trust he placed in the administrative and Jihadi talents displayed by him.
When Kandahar province fell to the Taliban, he was given the responsibility of air force and air defense system of Kandahar.
After the conquest of the capital Kabul in 1996, he was appointed as the minister of aviation and tourism.
Simultaneously with heading the ministry, he was placed in charge of the Emirate’s air-force and air-defense in the ministry of defense on the basis of a special decree of late Amir-ul-Momineen.

While heading the aviation and tourism ministry of Afghanistan, he completed a number of new and reconstruction projects which are briefly discussed in the following lines:

When the capital city of Kabul came under the control of the Islamic Emirate, the main buildings and premises of aviation ministry inside this city were heavily damaged due to the internal factional fighting. Due to his reconstruction policy, Mansur Sahib successfully managed to repair all the damaged planes of this ministry and rebuilt the main airbases.

At that time the Islamic Emirate was facing serious financial problems on top of international pressures and sanctions but Mansur Sahib managed to renovate Kabul International Airport and its related buildings despite the inapt financial circumstances. Then he equipped the International Ariana Afghan Airlines for national and international flights in accordance with international standards.

After that he primed the airports of Kandahar, Herat, Nangarhar, Mazar-i-Sharif and Kunduz provinces for all kinds of civil and military flights and furnished them with advanced equipment.

On top of several reconstructive services in various civil and military fields of the Islamic Emirate, his biggest accomplishment was his repairing a great asset of Afghanistan (the air force), its damaged planes and mostly destroyed airports.

He arranged 24-hour flight facility inside Afghanistan and after a long delay of several years, for the first time thousands of Afghans were able to perform the Hajj pilgrim via Afghan Ariana Airlines.

Afghanistan which once had advanced defensive air capabilities on a regional level was totally paralyzed and put out of service due to the Russian invasion and subsequent internal factional fighting to the extent that some of the planes were dismantled and their parts sold as scrap metal. However it was Mansur Sahib’s indefatigable efforts which put all these damaged planes back into service.

Respected Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur Sahib who tenured as the minister of aviation through the entire rule of Islamic Emirate put immense efforts into reviving and developing Afghanistan’s ministry of civil aviation.

Here we would like to present a few more examples of his work:

For the better guidance and control of transit flights of other countries passing through the airspace of Afghanistan, advanced aviation control systems (ویست دستگاه) were installed in all the prominent international airports like Kabul, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Mazar-i-Sharif and Herat which can still be found there today. This system resulted in millions of dollars of revenue as transit tax from international flights via Afghanistan.

According to a report published at the time by the aviation and air defense departments, nearly 44 different transport aircrafts and fighter helicopters which were damaged and put out of use were renovated by Mansur Sahib and then utilized by the air aviation and air forces for a long time. Their details are as follow:

Transport planes:

Three N-12 planes

Four N-32 planes

Two N-26 planes

Fighter Jets:

Eight Jet Mig-21

Three Jet Su M420

Five Jet Su 22


Six Mi-8

Eight Mi-35

Five Al-39

Russian airplanes type 41 and n24 as well as American Boeing Company aircraft used by Ariana International were also renovated in foreign countries and used for public transportation. He also purchased five Russian made transport planes in the open market.

In addition to these purchased and renovated aircrafts Afghanistan had tens of Jets, transport planes and helicopters already in service, playing the role of a well-built air force. Instances of its activity at hand was their continuous aerial support and supply to Kunduz and other far flung areas where Mujahidin had bases, active frontlines or were besieged as well as their regular national and international flights to all major cities of the country and multiple foreign destinations. But in the wake of the brutal American invasion and indiscriminate bombing of our major airports, this fundamental national asset was completely destroyed.

During the reign of the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur was imprisoned in northern Afghanistan for over six months due to the treachery of General Abdul Malik but by the grace of Almighty Allah, he was released when General Malik fled from Faryab province upon the resurfacing of General Dostum, opening a window of opportunity for the release of detainees from prisons.

Armed resistance against the American invasion:

After the American invasion of Afghanistan on 7th October 2001, Mansur Sahib began his armed resistance against them. In his Jihadi lifetime, this period was fraught with difficulties and challenges for Mansur Sahib.

Besides being a member of the supreme leading council of Islamic Emirate, he was given the additional responsibility of Jihadi in-charge of Kandahar province by the late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace).

Like other provinces of Afghanistan, Kandahar was in need of a strong, experienced and sincere Jihadi commander because the Americans planned and launched all their military strategies against Mujahidin for the entire south west zone from Kandahar. This was the reason that following Helmand, the second largest contingent of American, Canadian and other foreign troops were based in Kandahar and the second largest base after Bagram airbase was also built here.

But due to his Jihadi acumen, Mansur Sahib managed to sketch successful Jihadi plans against the foreign invading troops in Kandahar, rendering their well-known generals and distinguished military planners of the time inept in its combat and prevention.

Mansur Sahib’s Jihadi ingenuity saw him take charge in drawing and managing Jihadi plans for the entire south-western zone of Afghanistan after due consultations with the Jihadi in-charges of neighboring provinces, carrying out successful fatal attacks against the invading crusaders in Kandahar as well as in Uruzgan, Zabul and Helmand provinces.

Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate extraordinarily managed to break the heavily fortified Kandahar central prison in the years 2003 and 2008, freeing over one thousand and five hundred captive Mujahidin each time from the brutal hands of the enemy. These events also took place when Mansur Sahib was the in-charge of Kandahar.

As the Deputy Head of the Islamic Emirate:

In 2007 when the former deputy head of the Islamic Emirate Alhaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was arrested, the late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur as the second deputy alongside Mullah Baradar Akhond, the deputy head of the Islamic Emirate, and instructed him to concurrently continue his responsibility as the Jihadi in-charge of Kandahar province as it was a central fighting front against the foreign invaders.

In 2010 when the deputy head of Islamic Emirate Alhaj Mullah Obaidullah Akhund was martyred in the detention of Pakistani forces and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, second deputy head of the Islamic Emirate was arrested by joint American and Pakistani forces in the city of Karachi, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the deputy head and general in-charge of all operational activities of the Islamic Emirate.

It was a time when the Jihadi resistance was facing tough challenges in Afghanistan as 30,000 extra troops were deployed by the Obama administration and over a hundred thousand foreign invading forces equipped with state-of-the-art technology and supported by 350,000 internal mercenary forces were actively fighting Mujahidin in each and every corner of our country.

On the one hand, it was nearly impossible for the leader of the Islamic Emirate, late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) to appear and guide the resistance militarily due to the critical security situation and on the other hand, the military and administrative vacuum in Jihadi fronts tipped the balance of resistance in the favor of the enemy.

There was huge military pressure on the Mujahidin on top of the increasing political and propaganda pressures. Many Jihadi in-charges were martyred on the battle field and a number of them were arrested.

In those most daunting circumstances, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) placed the enormous task of managing Mujahidin against the invading crusaders on the shoulders of Mansur Sahib and appointed no other deputy to support him.

Respected Mansur Sahib, with the divine help of Almighty Allah and aid of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, successfully managed to control and lead the ongoing armed resistance in such an admirable way that no leadership vacuum was ever felt by the Mujahidin.

It was the year 2010 which would prove to be the most fatal and costly year for foreign crusading forces inside Afghanistan. Mujahidin managed to carry out their most fatal campaign against the enemy during the span of that year, forcing them to confess to the deaths of 770 foreign soldiers.

Similarly under the successful leadership of Mansur Sahib, Mujahidin managed to liberate vast areas of our beloved homeland from the enemy and establish an organized Islamic system of life in them.

After the passing away of Amir-ul-Momineen Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace):

On 23rd April 2013, when Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid passed away, some members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, authentic scholars, envoys and messengers of late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid and his permanent colleagues who lived with him till the last moments of his life pledged their allegiance to Mansur Sahib and appointed him as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate.

Since 2013 was considered the last year of resistance and struggle for Mujahidin against the foreign invading crusaders therefore several key members of the supreme leading council of the Islamic Emirate and authentic religious scholars together decided on concealing the tragic news of passing away of His Excellency, late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) and keep this secret limited to the very few colleagues who were already informed of this incorrigible loss. One of the main reasons behind this decision was due to the fact that 2013 was considered the final year of power testing between the Mujahidin and foreign invaders who in turn had announced that at the end of 2014, all military operations by foreign troops would be concluded.

It was for these Jihadi Masaleh (interests/considerations) that this depressing news was concealed in an extraordinary way up until 30th July 2015.

As the new selected Amir (leader) of the Islamic Emirate:

When the leading council of the Islamic Emirate officially announced the passing away of late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) on 14th Shawwal-ul-Mukarram 1436 Hijra (lunar) corresponding with 30th July 2015, for the sake of even greater satisfaction of Mujahidin, Mansur Sahib gave all decision making powers to the leading council of the Islamic Emirate and religious scholars to decide about his fate as well as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate. He assured them that whosoever is appointed as their new leader, he would obey him wholeheartedly.

On this occasion, members of the supreme leading council of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars and saints, considered Ahl Hal wal Aqd (influential and discerning people) decided after prolonged discussions and giving consideration to interests (of Muslims and Jihad) in the absence of Mansur Sahib, to appoint him as the new Amir (leader) of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

As soon as His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur was appointed as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate, members of leading council of the Islamic Emirate, heads of all commissions of the Islamic Emirate, director generals of judiciary and courts, heads of military commissions, intellectuals, national, Jihadi, political and cultural figures of our country, commanders of armed forces and all civilian authorities of the Islamic Emirate unequivocally pledged their allegiance with the newly appointed leader of the Islamic Emirate. All these military and civilian in-charges and national dignitaries of our country sent their oaths of allegiance both verbally and in written form to the publication branch of the cultural commission of the Islamic Emirate which were subsequently published on the main Alemarah website.

His appointment as new leader from Shariah point of view:

Gathering of Ahl Hal wal Aqd to select a leader in Islam is considered to be the most authentic and reliable procedure by religious scholars and experts of Islamic political law. The term ‘Ahl Haq wal Aqd’ (influential and discerning people) can be applied to all knowledgeable, experienced and insightful people which is usually termed as ‘Shura’ or council. Three procedures are generally deduced by deeply penetrating into the various ways of selection of four pious Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with them) in the early days of Islam. The first one is candidacy, the second one is selection and the third one is that of pledging allegiance to someone.

Nomination or candidacy for leadership should not be forwarded by the person who is going to be selected Amir or leader as the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has said:

إنا والله لا نولي هذا العمل أحدا سألة أو أحدا حرص عليه

)متفق عليه ) (اخرجه البخارى (7149 ) ومسلم ( 1733 )

Translation: I swear by Allah that we will not appoint anyone to this task (leadership) who has desire or greed for it. (Agreed upon) (narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

Nomination must be made by someone for a single individual just like the nomination of the first Caliph of Islam Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique when Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with all of them) held his hand and forwarded him for leadership then the companions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) selected him as their Imam or leader. It can be the nomination of several persons just like Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) nominated some companions for leadership before his martyrdom and then Hazrat Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) was selected as third Caliph of Islam among them.

Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur has never nominated himself for leadership rather he was selected as the only candidate for leadership in the very first meeting by members of leading council of the Islamic Emirate and religious scholars. In the second meeting, he plainly declared to the council that he has no desire for leadership rather he would like to serve the lofty cause of the Islamic Emirate as an ordinary worker.

But the council nominated him as the only suitable candidate for leadership. After prolonged discussion of this Shura comprising of religious scholars, saints and members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate, all of them knowledgeable and experienced people of Jihad, he was appointed as the new leader of the Islamic Emirate. The members of this Shura pledged their allegiance to him foremost followed by other responsible people, ordinary Mujahidin and the general masses.

It can confidently be proclaimed that his appointment took place in full compliance with Islamic Shariah law therefore hundreds of thousands of other ordinary people from all parts of the country and hundreds of authentic scholars of the Holy Quran and the Traditions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) accepted his leadership, labeled it totally legitimate and pledged their allegiances accordingly.

His leading and charismatic personality:

The newly appointed leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Amir-ul-Mumineen Mullah Akhtar Mohammad (Mansur), may Allah safeguard him, is considered an effective, influential and dominant personality from among the foundational members of the Islamic Emirate.

He is naturally bequeathed with unique leading and guiding capabilities.

Piety, sincerity, Jihadi vision, political acumen and administrative qualities in implementing various tasks are characteristics which individuate him.

His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur thoroughly follows the footsteps of his predecessor and Jihadi leader, late Mulla Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) in implementing all the Jihadi activities of the Islamic Emirate. Safeguarding lofty Jihadi ideals, liberation of our beloved homeland from foreign occupation and the implementation of Shariah system therein are the main objectives of his Jihad and struggle. According to the teachings of the Holy Quran, he carefully listens to all the useful and constructive advices and suggestions of all colleagues in executing all minor and major tasks. He tries to assign duties to competent people and subsequently trusts them thoroughly. He always recommends to the responsible people to have mercy and pity on the ordinary masses.

He greatly emphasizes on this point, “The Islamic Emirate is a common abode of all Afghans therefore all should be reflected herein.”

His vision and ideological perspectives:

His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur belongs to people of Ahl Sunnah wal Jama’ah (Sunnah and Consensus) and follows the path of the great Imam (jurist) Hazrat Abu Hanifa (may Allah bless him).

He is fully conscious of the delicacy and complexity of all contemporary regional and international politics.

While facing him, one can easily discern his serenity, gravity and dignity. Simplicity and straightforwardness are his common companions.

He has special interest in studying the role model of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as the lives of his lofty companions (may Allah be pleased with them). He is always eager and interested to hear about the military situations of battlefields whenever meeting Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.

Despite all his many Jihadi and administrative activities and responsibilities, he regularly and keenly follows the media and subsequently gives distinct meaningful recommendations to Jihadi writers, particularly to the workers of the cultural and publication department of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

His routine life and some of his characteristics:

His Excellency, Mullah Mohammad Mansur assumes his day with the recitation of the Holy Quran. He remains in regular contact with Jihadi fronts and the military in-charges. He thoroughly checks all the military planning against the enemy and fully stresses upon all Jihadi commanders to protect the lives and properties of all civilian masses and to deal with them in sympathetic and dignified manner.

As a dominant military commander, he treats his Jihadi colleagues, Mujahidin and ordinary masses in respectful and compassionate manner. He pays full attention and renders due respect to the words and advices of scholars, teachers and all elderly people in public and private meetings. He gives special attention to looking after the orphans and families of Mujahidin who have laid down their lives in the path of Jihad. He takes due care in all political matters and carefully listens to views and suggestions of all discerning people in this regard.

He particularly loves and has interest in marksmanship. He considers the implementation of Jihadi exercises the most suitable and required sport of our time.

He speaks less and tries to listen more to other people. He likes and wears loose, neat and clean clothes. He dislikes and avoids extravagance and prodigality in dressing, eating and all other needs of everyday life.

The main and foremost purpose of his life is the well-organization of Jihadi activities and their subsequent follow-up. In this fashion he remains busy from dawn to dust.

May Almighty Allah safeguard him! Amin

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Nusra militants seize parts of Syrian military airport killing atleast 20 regime soldiers.

Aleppo, Syria – On Friday, militants of Nusra Front (Syria’s branch of al-Qaeda) took over major parts of Abu el-Duhur military airport in Idlib province after clashes with pro-Assad army forces.

The airport has been besieged by Nusra fighters for weeks, before the group was able to break into the main gate and seize parts of Abu el-Duhur.

Speaking to ARA News in Idlib, Abu al-Adham, spokesman for al-Nusra Front, said that more than 20 regime soldiers were killed during the clashes on Friday.

The Nusra official said that several Syrian rebel factions backed Nusra in the battle for Abu el-Duhur airport.

“We have seized control of the main gate and parts of the airport in a strategic operation against Assad forces,” Nusra spokesman said.

“At least 20 pro-Assad soldiers were killed and four others have been taken as hostages in the operation,” al-Adham said.

The Abu el-Duhur airport is considered one of the largest Syrian military airports and it includes dozens of warplanes and helicopters. More than 2000 regime forces are reportedly stationed in the airport, equipped with heavy weapons and ammunition.

Ahrar activist: Regime behind Zabadani negotiation failure

Ceasefires gave way to violence in the Outer Damascus city of Zabadani and the Idlib countryside’s Shiite-majority villages of al-Fuaa and Kafariya on Saturday after a second temporary truce between regime and rebel forces in the towns collapsed due to the failure of negotiations between Ahrar a-Sham rebels and an Iranian delegation in Turkey.

Talks between the same parties earlier this month failed after rebels refused Iranian conditions to evacuate encircled rebels from Zabadani.

However, information leaked by an Ahrar a-Sham source to Syria Direct’s Ammar Hamou indicates that although Iranian negotiators agreed to rebel demands in the most recent round of talks, it was the Syrian regime’s refusal to implement the agreement that led to the collapse of the ceasefire and caused “problems between Iranian negotiators and the regime.”

“It seems that Iran wants [to rescue] its sect in Kafariya and al-Fuaa, and the regime wants to abandon them.”

Q. Media sources have reported that negotiations were between Ahrar a-Sham and an Iranian delegation, not a delegation representing the Syrian regime. Is that true?

Yes, Ahrar a-Sham met with Iran to negotiate without their consulting the Bashar al-Assad regime or the leadership of its military operations.

Q. What were the points of the negotiations and why did the truce fail once again?

There are several points that it is not possible to mention, but one of them was Ahrar a-Sham’s request that the regime release 1500 female detainees.

The Iranians approved our request, but the Syrian regime refused it, which led to the emergence of problems between Iranian negotiators and the regime.

It seems that Iran wants [to rescue] its sect in Kafariya and al-Fuaa, and the regime wants to abandon of them.

Q. How did the truce end?

After the regime refused to implement what we agreed upon with the Iranian delegation, it bombarded Zabadani, breaking the truce. In response, we targeted al-Fuaa.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Syria Kurds test Turkey’s planned “safe zone”

BEIRUT – The Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) have launched an offensive against ISIS outside Jarablus, challenging Turkey's plans to establish a “safe zone,” roll back ISIS and prevent Kurdish forces from expanding along its border.


“The YPG successfully carried out its first operation to breach ISIS defensive lines west of the Euphrates River on Thursday night, managing to kill 12 of members of the group to the East of Jarablus,” Bas News reported Friday morning.


The Iraqi Kurdish outlet cited a military field source as saying that a group of YPG fighters had crossed secretly on boats to the west bank of the Euphrates River and reached ISIS positions east of Jarablus, where fierce clashes erupted.


The source said that as a result of the clashes the Kurdish fighters were able to kill 12 ISIS fighters, injure several more and return safely to their bases on the eastern bank of the river.


The source added that ISIS militants had arbitrarily shelled Kurdish villages west of Kobane with mortars and artillery following the operation without any known casualties at the time Bas News’s report was published.


Days before the raid, the general commander of the YPG boasted that Kurdish forces would “liberate Jarabulus,” directly challenging Ankara’s plans to establish its own Turkey-friendly safe zone in the area.  


Turkey in late July launched military campaigns against both ISIS and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) –an affiliate of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) which controls the YPG forces that have raised concerns in Ankara following months of sweeping victories against ISIS near Turkey’s border.


Prior to the launch of the military operations, Turkish leaders repeatedly insisted that the expansion of YPG forces in northern Syria posed a threat to the country.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on June 26 warned that his country “will never allow” the establishment of a Kurdish state along its border, setting the stage for the reports that Turkey’s ground incursion would aim to preempt any further Kurdish advances against ISIS along the border.

So far, the Turks have focused their military efforts against the PKK, while reportedly training Turkmen and friendly Syrian rebel forces to act as a proxy to battle ISIS in a zone of territory stretching from north of Aleppo to Jarablus in the west.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Iranian Military Base in Kurdistan Destroyed

An Iranian military base near the city of Rabat in east (Iranian) Kurdistan was destroyed two days ago. The base, which had been named Tabatabai Military Base, is one of many strategic military bases built in Kurdistan by the Iranian regime.

According to local residents speaking to Kurdistan Press Agency, Iranian military personnel had visited the base frequently in recent weeks.

Military bases were built by the Iranian regime all over Kurdistan in the course of its war against the Peshmerga Forces of Kurdistan from early 1980 until the mid-1990s.

The Tabatabai Military Base was destroyed by a professional group bearing arms that moved swiftly in and out of the area, according to local residents.

For months, Iran has been carrying out a new military build-up in east Kurdistan, massing troops on the border with south Kurdistan and deploying weaponry to cross-border regions.

In recent weeks, the Iranian military has set out to create a “security zone” covering 25 kilometers close to cities of Sardasht and Shno (Oshnavieh). According to Kurdistan Press Agency, the Iranian regime intends to build similar “zones” in other parts of Kurdistan encompassing 150 kilometers.

The destruction of the Tabatabai Military Base as well as the massing of Iranian troops on the border with south Kurdistan come at a time when the Peshmerga Forces of PDKI have returned to their traditional locations and bases in the border region between south and east Kurdistan.

They are believed to have established a presence in the vicinity of towns and villages in east Kurdistan as well.

posted from Bloggeroid

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Prepations underway to capture AlRaqqa city from IS group while Tribal leaders agree to fight IS group in Al-Raqqa

Arab tribal leaders from the Tel Abyad region “expressed their preparedness to fight with the FSA” to drive out Islamic State elements from northern A-Raqqa province in a meeting with FSA-affiliated Rebels of A-Raqqa Brigade, a brigade spokesman told Syria Direct on Tuesday.

“The Arab tribes expressed their preparedness to fight with the FSA to free A-Raqqa city and its countryside from the Islamic State,” Abu Muath A-Raqqa told Syria Direct.

The tribal leaders, who requested the meeting, said during the Monday meeting they were willing to cooperate with the brigade, the spokesman added.

“Military work will continue to remain under the auspices of Kurdish-Arab joint forces in the Euphrates Volcano Operations Room,” Abu Umar a-Raqawi, a fighter from the group who was briefed on the meeting, told Syria Direct from A-Raqqa.

Euphrates Volcano refers to the coalition between the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and the FSA, of which the Rebels of A-Raqqa Brigade is the sole Arab and FSA contingent. The coalition captured Tel Abyad from the Islamic State in June and has since been preparing for an assault on A-Raqqa city, the provincial capital and seat of the Islamic State’s so-called “caliphate” in Syria.

In addition to the latest military developments on the front lines against IS in A-Raqqa, the tribal leaders expressed complaints about civil services to the Brigade, which is responsible for Arab areas under the control of the Euphrates Volcano.

Among their complaints were lack of fuel availability, implementing an agreement with Turkey to provide pesticide and fertilizer and other issues related to agriculture and livestock, said Abu Umar.

posted from Bloggeroid

Ansar al-Sham Battalion

Islamist brigades have grown exponentially in Syria’s rebel ranks over the past three years, partly due to the decline of the mainstream groups fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). In northwestern Syria, one of these ascendant Islamist factions is a group that analysts know very little about but that now helps shape the crucial battles in Syria’s coastal region: the Ansar al-Sham Battalions.

Ansar al-Sham, whose name translates in English to “Helpers of the Levant,” is mostly active in the Latakia and Idlib Provinces in Syria’s north, where I recently traveled to report on and study the Syrian uprising. It is clear that the group has grown in strength over the last three years. It has allied itself with other Islamist groups in the so-called Islamic Front, a major coalition announced in November 2013 that is now embroiled in heavy fighting against the jihadi faction known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL. Having successfully adapted to the shifting tides of rebel politics, Ansar al-Sham now seems set to benefit further from the ISIL being pushed back.


According to Aron Lund’s paper, Syria’s Salafi Insurgents: Rise of the Syrian Islamic Front, Ansar al-Sham formed out of eleven core battalions. Since Lund’s report was published in March 2013, its numbers have grown to over 2,500 men, according to Abu Mohammed, who leads the al-Zahir Baybars Battalion, which is a subfaction of Ansar al-Sham.

When traveling in the rebel-held areas of northern Latakia, I was able to see that Ansar al-Sham plays a crucial role in aid delivery in the areas where it dominates. The group has been catering to internally displaced persons, and it seems to have supplanted the international aid organizations in delivering humanitarian relief to some of these areas. White tents with the Ansar al-Sham logo prominently displayed are on show in the fields of northern Latakia.

Interestingly, the group also highlights its aid work in its propaganda, such as on its YouTube channel, to an even greater extent than its battles with the regime. It is as if the organization is following a strategy similar to the classic Muslim Brotherhood doctrine, seeking to win the population over through social work.


The founder of Ansar al-Sham has so far been unknown. Many analysts have tried to point to to the London-based Salafi preacher known as Abu Basir al-Tartousi, since there are YouTube clipsof him together with the group. But Abu Basir has denied being the leader of Ansar al-Sham and says he works with many groups.

Abu Mohammed, the Ansar al-Sham subcommander, told me that the group was originally founded by a man from Latakia City called Abu Omar. Abu Omar is an adherent to Salafi Islamist doctrine and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan who returned to his native city to take over the family sweetshop. Other sources confirm this: Salam Abdelkarim, who is the Latakia correspondent for the pro-oppositionShaam News Network and himself a native of Latakia, also knows of Abu Omar and says he was admired by the local Sunni boys because he refused to be intimidated by the regime and stuck to his religious convictions.

The sweetshop owner, though, is not the military strategist. Abu Omar seems more involved in providing guidance and funds, and there appears to be a close link between Saudi Arabia and Ansar al-Sham when it comes to the aid work. Military strategy instead falls to a Chechen member of Ansar al-Sham known as Abu Musa al-Shishani, who is wary of the limelight.

Despite the Chechen’s presence in its leadership, Ansar al-Sham remains overwhelmingly Syrian, consisting of a mixture of local army defectors, shopkeepers, workers, farmers, and artisans. While the group is not averse to foreign fighters, I have visited a number of local battalions attached to Ansar al-Sham and didn’t come across a single foreigner. According to Abu Jihad, second in command to Abu Mohammed in the al-Zahir Baybars Battalion, the fighters of Ansar al-Sham are organized in a military register (diwan) and each is paid a salary of $60 per month. Relative to what a Syrian citizen would earn doing national service, that is an acceptable income.


Politically, Ansar al-Sham wants a Sunni Islamic state within Syria’s borders and rejects secularism. The group has managed to straddle the ideological fault lines of the uprising, even as Latakia became the scene of conflict between FSA factions and radical jihadis. In summer 2013, a group of ISIL members led by the Iraqi jihadi known as Abu Ayman al-Iraqi killed the rival FSA commander Abu Basir al-Ladhiqani, a member of the FSA’s Supreme Military Council, raising ISIL-FSA tension throughout Syria.

According to one of its commanders, called Abul Harith, Ansar al-Sham does not work with the FSA. But neither does it fight the FSA, and Ansar al-Sham has in fact forged local alliances with FSA commanders such as Abu Basir al-Ladhiqani, even though its members grumbled about his conciliatory policy toward the Alawites and perceived hubris.

Most Ansar al-Sham commanders that I interviewed clearly condemned the ISIL’s Abu Ayman al-Iraqi for killing Abu Basir al-Ladhiqani. Yet, on the ground at least, Ansar al-Sham did not break ties with the ISIL completely, despite considerable tension between them—partly, one suspects, because many of the ISIL’s members in northern Latakia were local Syrian boys who are connected to Ansar al-Sham members through family and social ties.

From the numerous interviews I did with its members, it is clear that many Ansar Sham commanders and fighters support the approach of the al-Qaeda–aligned faction known as the Nusra Front, which has decided to focus on removing Assad before building an Islamic state. The group has also had good relations with smaller jihadi factions, like the Ansar al-Mujahedin Battalion led by Sheikh Suqor or the Sham al-Islam Movement led by Abu Ahmed al-Maghrebi, which has a large North African contingent.


Moreover, the vagueness of Ansar al-Sham’s religious ideology makes it attractive to religiously conservative Sunni Syrians, including wealthy funders of the rebellion. Its close ties with members of Syria’s Sunni religious class, like Dr. Khaled Kendo, and the fact that its commanders do not actively embark on a program of religious indoctrination means that Ansar al-Sham is able to absorb Sunni Muslims of all persuasions. The group delivers religious lectures, but these are held by local clerics in touch with the community. Abu Mohammed and his battalion, which used to belong to the FSA network, is a good example of how Ansar al-Sham recruits. Abu Mohammed admits that he wanted to join Ansar al-Sham partly due to a lack of funding but also because of his own religious evolution. He met with Abu Omar, whose vision of Islam he deemed to be “more correct.” A decision to join Ansar al-Sham was then made by Abu Mohammed and his second-in-command, Abu Jihad, and their fighting men acquiesced.

The way in which Ansar al-Sham has played its cards and its presence in the important coastal region suggests that if the Islamic Front alliance manages to regain its footing after the infighting with the ISIL has ended, this medium-sized Islamist group could go on to play a larger role both in rebel politics and the Syrian civil war.

Islamists' merger in Syria: Ahrar al-Sham and Suqour al-Sham

On March 22, 2015, two of Syria’s most prominent Islamist rebel groups announced that they merged their forcesin a statement read on video by the Ahrar al-Sham leader, Hashem al-Sheikh:

We bring the good tidings to our people in our beloved al-Sham that two of the revolution’s factions have united: the Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement and the Suqour al-Sham Brigades. It is a complete merger under the name of the Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement, while the central force of the new formation will be named the Suqour al-Sham Battalions. We take this occasion to reaffirm our commitment to the path of our revolution, to reaffirm that we are working to overthrow the criminal regime and all of its symbols and pillars, and to reaffirm that we refuse any bartering with the blood of our righteous martyrs. We call on all factions in al-Sham to cling together and unify in order to end our people’s suffering and to build a Syria of justice and of good deeds.

(Al-Sham is an Arabic term that can mean the Levant, Damascus, or Syria.)

Ahrar al-Sham and Suqour al-Sham are among the oldest and best-established armed groups in the Syrian conflict. Both of them are firmly on the Islamist side of the insurgency, albeit distinct from the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Frontand openly hostile to its even more extreme splinter faction, the self-proclaimed Islamic State.

Suqour al-Sham is based in the Jabal al-Zawiya region of Idlib, where it was created by Ahmed Issa al-Sheikh, better known as Abu Issa. While the group has always been Islamist, its ideological orientation has seemingly hardenedduring the course of the uprising.

One of the most powerful Islamist factions in the first two years of the uprising, Suqour al-Sham began to decline in late 2013 and early 2014, when some of its most powerful leaders,former members, and local allies defected to the Islamic State and others were killed in the ensuing infighting.

The larger and more hard-line faction Ahrar al-Sham also seemed to be on the verge of disaster when on September 9, 2014, dozens of its leaders were wiped out in a mysterious explosion. The dead included Ahrar al-Sham’s founder and emir, Hassan Abboud, as well as several of the group’s top religious officials, military commanders, and founding leaders.

However, half a year later, it turns out that Ahrar al-Sham has coped remarkably well. This would seem to demonstrate a fairly impressive level of internal discipline and institutionalization, but there has also been talk of additional donations of funds and arms from backers in Turkey and Qatar, intended to help the group manage its losses and retain the allegiance of its myriad subfactions. (And perhaps the support was to shore up Ahrar al-Sham as a counterbalance against the increasingly aggressive Nusra Front.)

The March 22 statement presents the unification as creating a “new formation,” but it isn’t difficult to see that this really represents Ahrar al-Sham swallowing up its smaller cousin. Not only is the disparity in size considerable. The “new” group will also retain Ahrar al-Sham’s name and be led by Hashem al-Sheikh, while Abu Issa (now referred to as “the former Suqour al-Sham leader”) is reduced to a deputy position responsible for political affairs.

After four years of frustrating divisions in Syrian rebel ranks, many opposition members have applauded Abu Issa’s move as a personal sacrifice for the greater good. “Despite their size and strength, Suqour are giving up their name for the sake of the revolution and for unification,” wrote Ahmad Abazed, a prolific commentator on Syrian Islamist politics who was clearly pleased with the news. He continued: “This is a lesson for smaller factions and for everyone else.”


Indeed, it is. More specifically, the lesson is that while mergers between equally matched groups tend to fail because one powerful leader rarely wants to submit to another, they can work beautifully when small factions melt into bigger ones—adding to the strength of the core group without disrupting its overall structure or abruptly changing its politics.

Ahrar al-Sham has proven more successful than any other faction at this game, taking a slow-and-steady approach to unity that tends to begin by forming looser collaborative arrangements. One leading member of Ahrar al-Sham, Abu Mustafa, has even drawn comparisons to the European Union: “What did Europe do after the destruction of Germany in order to return her as part of the European fabric: first fragmentation, then dialogue, then neighborliness, then coexistence, then coordination, then unification.”

The first example came in late 2012, when the Ahrar al-Sham Battalionsformed the Syrian Islamic Front (SIF)together with ten much smaller groups. After a period of internal harmonization, the smaller member factions began to merge with each other and later with Ahrar al-Sham, which then restyled itself the Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement—the name it still uses.

All in all, the SIF experiment led to seven new factions joining the Ahrar al-Sham structure: the Islamic Vanguard Group (from Idlib); the Islamic Dawn Movement (from Aleppo); the Fighting Faith Battalions, the Suqour al-Islam Battalions, the Special Assignments Companies, Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalab Battalions (all from the wider Damascus-Ghouta-Qalamoun region); and the Moussaab bin Omeir Battalion (Hashem al-Sheikh’s old group, which had been active in his hometown of Maskana, east of Aleppo, before it was taken over by the Islamic State).


A year later, Ahrar al-Sham co-created a new alliance simply called the Islamic Front with five other factions: Suqour al-Sham, the Tawhid Brigade of Aleppo, the Islam Army of Damascus, the Haq Brigade of Homs, and a small ethnic faction called the Kurdish Islamic Front (KIF).

For a while, this was Syria’s single-largest rebel body, but it never managed to unify its ranks. Many of the problems seemed to stem from the conflicting ambitions of the two biggest factions, Ahrar al-Sham and the Army of Islam. After these internal problems were aggravated by international disputes and the infighting with the so-called Islamic State that began in early 2014, the Islamic Front drifted apart. Today it seems virtually defunct, although Ahrar al-Sham, especially, continues to operate under the Islamic Front name.

The “big three” of the Islamic Front member groups—that is, Ahrar al-Sham, the Tawhid Brigade, and the Army of Islam—have all remained separate entities. The Tawhid Brigade seems to have stayed close to Ahrar al-Sham, with both of them having gone through a complicated series of crisscrossing mergers in the Aleppo region (which remains a world apart in rebel politics). The Army of Islam, by contrast, has played its own game and even clashed on occasion with Ahrar al-Sham. At one point in July 2014, the Army of Islam even announced that it had absorbedSuqour al-Sham, although this was quickly forgotten.

Two of the the remaining Islamic Front factions were mopped up by Ahrar al-Sham. The KIF was tiny and may have been in thrall to Ahrar al-Sham from the beginning. The Haq Brigade was always smaller than the rest of the Islamic Front members and had worked with Ahrar al-Sham ever since the SIF days in 2012–2013. It lost all independent relevance in spring 2014 when the Syrian government seized its home areas in Homs. Consequently, both of these groups merged into the Ahrar al-Sham framework in December 2014.

Now Suqour al-Sham seems set to follow in their footsteps, with Abu Issa havinggracefully accepted his demotion to deputy leader and writing that this does not entitle him to any praise or thanks, since “I am years late in fulfilling a duty and I ask God for forgiveness.”

Of course, only time will tell whether this attitude will last or whether Ahrar al-Sham and Suqour al-Sham will split again. Certainly, most Syrian rebel unity projects tend to fail—but as Syria analyst Sam Heller quipped last year, “the most successful, lasting approach to rebel unification so far has basically been ‘Ahrar al-Sham absorbs you.’” And that’s exactly what seems to have happened now.

UPDATE, MARCH 25: A reader alerted me to the fact that I had accidentally omitted the Ansar al-Sham Battalions, an Islamist militant group operating mainly in the northern regions of Latakia and western Idlib, from the list of founding members of the now-disintegrating Islamic Front. Ansar al-Sham remains an independent organization and although it maintains close ties to Ahrar al-Sham and other rebel groups, it has not been absorbed by any larger faction at the time of writing.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Hezbollah suppresses demonstration of Alawites in Tartous

The Hezbollah militia, backed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, on Monday, suppresses a demonstration of the Alawites in the Syrian city of Tartous at the coast.
"Aleppo today," channel reported that the demonstration went out in the city of Tartus to denounce Iranian interference in Syria; and in response to a call issued by the Lebanese and Syrian intellectuals, journalists to "Shiites and Alawites" Following negotiations,of "Alfouah- Zabadani" that Iran played the role of negotiator on the regime behalf.
The same source said that the Hezbollah militia and elements of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who attacked the demonstrators and dispersed them by force.
It is noteworthy that Tartous City, a stronghold of the Alawites in the Sahel during the last period witnessed many protests by its people and with the elements and officers in Assad's forces; to demand lifting the siege imposed on the Kwers military airport east of Aleppo countryside, after the killing of Alawites officers in ISil attack.

posted from Bloggeroid